China IPO NIVS IntelliMedia (NIV)

Remember the high flying IPO days of a couple years ago when a fast growing, Chinese company would begin trading on US exchanges about every week?  Those days are likely over for the most part, but Chinese company NIVS Intellimedia (NIV) is a reminder of the glory days.  This is a company that began trading just about 2 weeks ago on March 12 and could be another high flyer.  NIVS Intellimedia (NIV) is a manufacturer of DVD players, set top boxes and other audio/video equipment and is experiencing rapid growth.  EPS numbers for the past few years – .01 (2003), .03 (2004), .05 (2005), .13 (2006), .21 (2007).  No word yet on how they did in the 4th quarter of 2008, but they had already produced an EPS of .27 through 3 quarters so most likely would be close to doubling profits in 2008 over 2007.  I’ll certainly be keeping an eye on what is currently the most promising IPO of 2009.

Here are further details on NIV from Seeking Alpha:

Trading the DB Gold Double Long ETN (DGP)

Over the past 9 months or so I’ve been trading in and out of gold using the leveraged double long ETN (DGP), adding positions on breakouts (or oversold conditions) and taking profits on overbought conditions.  In my opinion, the time is now to begin adding gold again.  Yeah I’m a bit concerned about all the talk about getting into gold (haha.. what timing! a goldline commercial just appeared on the tube), so it is a bit crowded and may need to consolidate some more, but I think the odds are very good for a run to $1000/oz and beyond in the coming months.

I first began trading DGP last summer and on June 16th, 2008 I told my premium members:

“My analysis is indicating that gold and silver is offering an initial entry point today by breaking out of downtrends and subsequently, bullish wedge formations.  This could be the beginning of another run in gold and silver over the next few months.  Entry at 21.16.”

::: >> (oh no, another gold commercial!)

One month later on July 15th, I locked in the 17% profit at 25.22 as DGP became very overbought. (see chart below)

Continue reading Trading the DB Gold Double Long ETN (DGP)

Gold & Silver Breakout As Indices Retreat From Resistance

What week.  With the Fed throwing an unexpected hail mary pass at the credit crisis, the indices did indeed surge right into major resistance levels with a quick 20% move similar to what we say last October and November

An email I sent out to members on Thursday night sums up my thoughts for the week, so I’ll just post that…

“In my last email to you on Monday the market had just put in a high volume reversal day to the downside with significant volume.  It appeared this market needed to pull back a bit before making a serious run at the major resistance levels I’ve been talking about (Dow 7500, Nasdaq 1500 and S&P 800).  Ah, but the bulls still had some serious fight left in them.  The very next day, some morning weakness gave way to a flurry of late day buying and the indices took out the highs of the previous day.  Immediately taking out the highs of a high volume reversal day the very next day is a rare event and it signaled significant strength to this rally, setting the stage for a run into major resistance levels with little pause.  Admittedly I was caught of guard a bit so didn’t capitalize as well as I had hoped to on Tuesday and Wednesday.. such is trading.  You play the odds when they’re in your favor and accept the fact that perfection is far from possible. 

So what now?  Well, let’s start by muting those so called pros on CNBC waving the pom poms urging you to get into this market right now.  Yes, it’s possible the low of early March was “the” bottom but that won’t be revealed until well after the fact.  Let’s keep in mind that the market vaulted 20% in little more than one week, running smack into major resistance levels AND this is still a bear market.  Chasing this rally up here is a mistake.  Fearing missing a rally is just about as detrimental to your financial well being as panicking at bottoms, so the financial surgeon general says “you have been warned.” 


Continue reading Gold & Silver Breakout As Indices Retreat From Resistance

7 Ways to Profit From Asphalt & Highway Construction

By Guest Author: Robert Williams, PhD, P.E.

There is a dominant stock investing theme that directs you to invest in companies that provide a product that everybody uses every day. May I draw your attention to a specific product in this category, namely asphalt? Unless your house has a tile roof, you probably woke up under an asphalt-tiled roof; walked to your car on an asphalt footpath; drove your car to work on an asphalt-surface highway or freeway; and parked your car in the asphalt-surface office car park.

In addition, President Obama is going to re-surface all of the US deteriorating freeways and highways – using asphalt of course.

You may wish to consider investing in some of the asphalt companies identified in this article. However, most asphalt involved companies are large conglomerates and certainly the asphalt producers are the major oil and gas conglomerates some of which are listed below.

If you have not even thought of where the asphalt comes from you should be aware that it is derived from crude oil refining which primarily produces your gasoline and diesel which you also use every day.

Continue reading 7 Ways to Profit From Asphalt & Highway Construction

This Dead Cat Has Legs, But Big Resistance Looms

Well, the much anticipated relief rally finally arrived last week with the S&P vaulting more than 13% off oversold conditions.  The rally was a bit deceptive with no real spike in fear or capitulation accompanying the move, but remember that capitulation doesn’t necessarily need to occur to mark a bottom… and that’s not to say this is “THE” bottom.  There’s certainly a tremendous amount of overhead resistance to work through and this is nothing more than a short covering, bargain hunting rally until bulls can prove themselves by breaching key downtrend lines.  I’ll keep the commentary light this week and jump right into the charts..

Everyone wants to know.. is this the bottom? How long will the rally last?  I think the charts can provide some clues to that.  Taking a look at the magnitude of the initial rallies off the October and November lows reveals that the average gain was right around 20% with the rally in October rising 19% over 6 days and the November rally producing a quick 21.5% gain in just 5 days.  If we assume that this rally will be in the neighborhood of those moves and falter after popping 20%, that runs the S&P500 right into big resistance at 800.  So, it’s quite possible we see another quick 5 – 7% in the first half of next week.  Yeah, these bear market rallies are sharp and deceptive leaving many behind.  If you missed it, don’t sweat it!  Whatever you do, don’t chase these rallies.  Be patient and wait for a digestion of this sharp move up because it will come.

Taking a look at the technicals of the S&P shows the break of the Feb/March downtrend on Wednesday, followed by another big surge on Thursday that sent the S&P back above the November lows….

Continue reading This Dead Cat Has Legs, But Big Resistance Looms

Virtual Stock Trading With MarketWatch

One question I get often from members of Self Investors is “What’s a good site for virtual stock trading to test strategies or practice stock trading in general?”  So, I thought I’d highlight my favorite solution.

The one I typically recommend is the Virtual Stock Exchange from MarketWatch, which offers a very realistic setup.  You can short stocks, set limit orders, use margin and stop orders so it’s quite realistic.  It allows you to trade stocks, funds and ETFs on the NYSE, Nasdaq and AMEX.

Here’s a screenshot of a sample account I set up.  Below this section you’ll see news related to your stocks and notice other areas such as performance, orders and transaction history.

Continue reading Virtual Stock Trading With MarketWatch

Nasdaq Takes Its Turn In Taking Out November Lows, The Relief Rally Is Near

With each passing day, as the market plunges further into the abyss taking out critical long support levels along the way, questions surrounding Obama’s policies and whether he and his administration are to blame for the continuing losses dominate the blogs, the financial shows and even the nightly news.  I chimed in on this a little bit last week alluding to the fact that traders are making bets on socialism following the passage of the stimulus package and bloated, big government budget & tax proposals.  With the increasing skepticism that this administration can get this economy moving in the right direction along with the potential collapses in Citigroup, AIG, GM and BofA it’s no wonder the Nasdaq has joined the Dow and S&P500 in taking out the November lows. 

The buy surge in the last 30 minutes of trading Friday provides some glimmer of hope that perhaps we are closing in on a relief rally, but as you’ll see in the charts below there is still considerable downside risk with lots of overhead resistance to work through.

Continue reading Nasdaq Takes Its Turn In Taking Out November Lows, The Relief Rally Is Near

Jon Stewart Takes On Cramer, Santelli & Rest of CNBC

Last night Jon Stewart took on CNBC, particularly Jim Cramer and Rick Santelli.  Stewart highlights several clips of Cramer recommending buying stocks at the top of the market in late 07 and early 08, including a call that Bear Stearns was fine.  The beginning of the rant was aimed at Santelli for canceling an appearance (er, bailing out) on the show. 

I tried to embed the video, but their code is a mess so here’s the link to the video

Mr Market Gives Thumbs Down to Obama’s Big Goverment Budget, Dow Likely To Test 6500

I have to admit I was turning a bit optimistic there in the middle of the week when the market rallied on the Bernanke testimony, indicating the government wasn’t interested in wiping out Citi shareholders (although at $1.50 that’s essentially what’s happened) and that he was optimistic of a recovery in the economy within a year or so.  Ordinarily, I wouldn’t place much importance on a move following a comment from a Fed official, but given the oversold conditions I thought maybe, just maybe this market was poised for a short covering fueled, oversold, relief rally.  Let’s just say it didn’t pan out that way. 

While Obama continues to enjoy high approval ratings from the general public, on Wall St it’s been an entirely different story.  That’s not to say this administration is responsible for the entire additional 20% plunge in the indices, but clearly the cabinet IRS gaffes, the doom and gloom rhetoric, the questionable stimulus package and the budget proposal has left Wall St clinging to a crisis of confidence and wondering if we’ll ever get out of this mess.  You have to wonder as 401K’s continue to implode, how long those lofty approval ratings will last.  On Thursday morning, with the market looking strong and still poised to potentially breakout, the budget proposal was released, immediately sending the market into a tailspin that broke key long term support levels.  I sent the following to my members on Thursday night:

Continue reading Mr Market Gives Thumbs Down to Obama’s Big Goverment Budget, Dow Likely To Test 6500

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