Solera Holdings (SLH) One To Watch After Strong Earnings

Today’s SelfInvestors Leading Stocks Moving on Earnings

getting this out too late again.. one of those weeks


• Forrester Research (FORR) Research Services, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 13%, making a move in the right side of a long base – one to watch for a base breakout

• Solera Holdings (SLH) Application Software, fundamental rank [23/30],  up 5%, very nice trading action over the past few months and carving out new base – look for a handle then a breakout


• Double-Take Software (DBTK)  Application Software, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 26%, adios – won’t be back anytime soon after a disappointing quarter

• The Advisory Board (ABCO) Research Services, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 9%, took out 200 dma and sets up beginning of a new base carving period.

• National Oilwell Varco (NOV) Industrial Equipment Wholesale, fundamental rank [25/30],  down 7%, taking out 200 dma once again and a test of the lows around 50 highly likely

Not So Super Tuesday But Selling Constructive

No, it wasn’t a super tuesday for the market today for bulls, but in terms of finding a bottom it was VERY constructive.  Huh? (more on this below).  The selling started early with the ISM report which showed contraction for the first time in a few years and provided a bit of ammunition for recession forecasters.  With Merrill Lynch predicting another inter-meeting Fed rate cut, maybe we’ll also see Jim Cramer making another irresponsible, irrational exclamation of a market soaring to new heights after another surprise Fed rate cut.  It’s hard to say, but one thing is for sure – if you make investment decisions based on his wild, "sure thing" predictions you will lose and lose big.  I really do want to quit picking on the guy, but he just makes it so difficult.  He needs to be held accountable.

The magnitude of the move down today was a bit surprising, but the move down in and of itself was not.  Carving out a bottom after a major sell off is a long process with many fits and starts.  The Fed induced rally off the bottom led by financials and homebuilders had just simply run out of steam with traders looking for an excuse to take profits into short term overbought conditions.  Today’s selling, believe it or not was positive!  It’s hard to see that if you were too aggressive long, but looking at the sell volume reveals there was little conviction behind the move.  That’s what I call constructive selling!  Let’s have a look.

It was easy to get wrapped up in the headlines today – Dow down 370, ISM Index worst in 5 years.. and think another melt down was on the horizon.  I didn’t see it that way today.  Just take a look at the volume levels today in the S&P.  The selling volume was average!  This looked like big profit taking and healthy consolidation of a V like run up off the bottom to me.  A healthy bottom always begins with constructive selling and today, while large in magnitude, could be categorized as just that.  I’ve said it several times here in the past few weeks and I’ll say it again – until we begin to see new leadership emerge in this market, we are not at a bottom.  We could still very well test the lows of this correction.  If you’re not a shorter term trader, you should STILL be out of the market.


I didn’t note in the graphic below but note that again sell volume didn’t correlate with the big sell off today.  A test of the lows would be healthy and go a long way in helping to repair the recent technical damage and shake out a few more sellers… and hopefully begin the process of producing new leadership in this market.

Same thing for the Dow.  The sharp, V like move off the bottom simply wasn’t sustainable and the ISM report this morning just provided an excuse to take profits en masse.

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day February 5th, 2008

Nasdaq: DOWN 3.08% today with volume 1% ABOVE average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) DOWN 2.85%, volume 11% ABOVE average
Dow: DOWN 2.93%, with volume 8% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): DOWN 2.44%, with volume 2% BELOW the average
S&P ETF (SPY): DOWN 2.68%,  with volume 27% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): DOWN 2.56%, with volume 31% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  There continues to be no leadership in this market and that was reflected today with Self Investors Leading Stocks down significantly more than the general market.


* Decliners led Advancers 239 to 16
* Advancers were up an average of 1.62% today, with volume 34% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 4.17% with volume 8% above the average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was DOWN 3.8% today with volume 9% ABOVE average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for gauging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days):  
Agriculture, Commodities, Gold, Bonds
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Global Energy, Utilities, Aerospace/Defense, Broadband, Clean Energy

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
Broker/Dealers, Nuclear Energy, Telecom, Energy, Financials

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  No major moves in leading stocks to speak of today.

Intuitive Surgical (ISRG), Flowserve (FLS), Dolby (DLB) & Micros (MCRS) Into New Bases

Today’s SelfInvestors Leading Stocks Moving on Earnings

getting this out too late again.. one of those weeks


• Intuitive Surgical (ISRG) Medical Appliances & Equipment, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 20%, gapped up above the 50 day moving average which should be the beginnings of a new healthy base

• Flowserve (FLS) Diversified Electronics, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 17%, gapped up above the 50 day moving average with record volume kicking off the right side of a new base

• Dolby Laboratories (DLB) Diversified Electronics, fundamental rank [27/30],  up 14%, again, gapped up above the 50 day moving average with record volume kicking off the right side of a new base

• Micros Systems (MCRS) Technical & System Software, fundamental rank [26/30],  up 9%, lots of new bases forming and here’s another one, albeit an ugly V one


• Actuate (ACTU)  Application Software, fundamental rank [25/30],  down 25%, adios

• Omnicell (OMCL) Computer Based Systems, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 22%, adios to you as well

Take a look at the charts of both these stocks.  Notice how poor earnings were basically forecasted in the charts?  Someone knew something, somebody always does.  Nobody had any business being in these stocks ahead of earnings period. 

• Google (GOOG) Internet Info Providers, fundamental rank [28/30],  down 8%, in a couple years people will be kicking themselves for not buying Google around 500.  What an opportunity for the long term investor.

• Stanley (SXE) Business & Management Services, fundamental rank [23/30],  down 8%, in process of finding bottom of new base, nice bounce off 200 day moving average; actually reported a great quarter and may not drop too much lower than lows of today

Rate Cut Rollercoaster; Jobs Data Awaits

If I were a bear I’d probably bury my cash in a hole (can bears bury things?) and hibernate for 3 months, but I’m neither bear nor bull, choosing to be objective through chart analysis.  Lately..  ‘er should I say for  the past year, that hasn’t been so easy.  There is a reason why I’ve been recommending for the past few months that most investors stay out of this market for now.  Volatility, irrationality, manipulation, rumor, Fed/government bailouts, blah, blah.. and that thing called a bear market.

Today, I thought I was clever.. maybe clever isn’t the word.. but pursuing opportunity in what I thought was sound technical analysis.  It was sound technical analysis, really it was.  Throw that out the window.  Home builders were overbought (up 70 – 80% in 3 weeks!, many were hitting resistance and showing distribution on the daily.  Easy short right?  Wrong.  They defied gravity today and rocketed through the roof with heavy volume, burying me in debris.  I have never. .. Let me repeat. . I have never been as in disbelief as I was watching those builders today.  I know..fed cut.. stimulus package…. how could I short the builders in this environment?  Trusting the technicals usually treats me well, but they won’t always and they didn’t today.  I was reminded of one my rules which I broke today.  Don’t make significant trading decisions on the day of or the day after a Fed announcement.   Tomorrow is a new day.. perhaps a day when the technicals will prevail and I obey my rules.  Discipline, discipline, discipline.

For the second day in a row it was a vomit inducing roller coaster ride.  250 point swing yesterday, 400 points today.  Yesterday signaled distribution, today signaled accumulation.  It continues to be difficult to know which way to trade but one thing is for sure.  Anything affected by rate cuts – financials, home builders and gold, have been soaring.  Not much else is working and there continues to be no leadership.  Yes, cash is still the best place to be for most.  Tomorrow could be another wild ride as the market (for some reason) seems to trade big off the unemployment reports.  Strap on the belts and enjoy the show from the sidelines.  Now where did I put that gin and pepto cocktail.

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day January 31st  2008

Nasdaq: UP 1.74% today with volume 19% ABOVE average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) UP 1.71%, volume 41% ABOVE average
Dow: UP 1.67%, with volume 25% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): UP 1.79%, with volume 62% ABOVE the average
S&P ETF (SPY): UP 1.82%,  with volume 48% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): UP 2.48%, with volume 20% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  With beaten down stocks leading the way in this bear market rally, leading stocks didn’t fare all that well today, significantly lagging the general market


* Advancers led Decliners 187 to 69
* Advancers were up an average of 2.79% today, with volume 24% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 2.51% with volume 68% above the average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was UP 1.36% today with volume 35% ABOVE average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for gauging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days):  
Agriculture, Gold Miners, Commodities, Gold, Bonds
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Energy, Utilities, Aerospace/Defense, Broadband, Clean Energy

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Homebuilders, Retail, Cosumer Discretionary, Financial

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
Oil Services, Energy

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  There just aren’t many (should say any) leading stocks breaking out to new highs or on the verge of doing so, but here’s a short list of leading stocks that moved up with volume today and are above both moving averages. 

In order of fundamental rank:

Mastercard (MA)
CyberSource (CYBS)
Helmerich & Payne (HP)
Allergan (AGN)
Investment Technology (ITG)
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR)
Greif (GEF)

Home Builders Surge, But Overbought in Short Term; Top Play Remains NVR

Several weeks ago on December 7th, I first wrote that the home builder stocks appeared to be close to a bottom, but that they weren’t quite out of the woods yet (based on the continued downtrend of the home builder ETF’s and the lack of insider buying).  There is also the lingering danger of news of a home builder bankruptcy at some point which could temporarily derail the entire industry.

With home builders rallying recently I thought it would be a good time to provide another update on the industry to get a feel for the proximity to a bottom.  I do think that the home builders continue to show signs of a bottom and the action in these names since I wrote that first report is one of increasingly healthy technical action.  Let’s have a look again at the home builders within the framework of the first update which looked at the characteristics of a bottom – rallying on bad news, insider buying, capitulation, broken downtrends.. anything else I may have missed?  Ah of course.. sentiment!  I think that’s a good start.

In early December I would have placed the odds of a home builder bottom at about 50/50, but with the Fed slashing rates and institutions clearly putting money to work in this space, I’ll up those odds to 70/30.  However, as you’ll see below, that does not mean it’s time to jump into the home builders right here.  I’m personally shorting them on a short term basis due to overbought conditions and signs of distribution.

1.  Rallying On Bad News

      When the worst scenarios are priced in, bottoming stocks begin rallying on bad news and we have certainly been seeing this in the home builders over the past several weeks.  At the top, analysts increasingly high expectations make it difficult for the company to beat leading to a sell off.  At the bottom, increasingly lowered expectations creates a situation where a stock rallies on any glimmer of hope.  That’s what  we’re beginning to see. 

– Meritage Homes (MTH) beat lowered expectations and rallied 25% yesterday just hours after the CEO said, "This has been the most difficult year we’ve experienced in homebuilding in more than 25 years, and we currently expect 2008 will also be challenging,"

– On Jan 24th Lennar (LEN) beat no expectations from analysts and despite posting big losses, the stock rose.  More dismal comments from another CEO: "As we look ahead to 2008, we are not expecting market conditions to improve, and perhaps might continue to decline in the near term. Nevertheless, the strength of our balance sheet, bolstered by the cash generated through our fourth quarter strategic moves, will keep us well positioned to weather these turbulent times. Additionally, our management focus on right-sizing our business, revising our product offering and reducing construction costs, together with our restated land positions that reflect current market conditions, will provide the springboard from which we will rebuild margins once the market does stabilize."

–  Ryland (RYL) reported Jan 23rd and beat estimates, rallying a bit before ending the day in the red.  The stock ran up big the day before so most likely profit taking after the morning run up.

It hasn’t been easy for all home builders to beat lowered expectations though..

–  On Jan 8th, KB Homes (KBH) posted a loss of 773 million which was much worse than expected and the stock closed down with heavy volume to a new 7 year low.
"As we enter 2008, we see no indication that markets are stabilizing," said KB’s chief executive, Jeff Mezger

 – Yesterday Centex (CTX) missed by a wide margin racking up nearly a billion dollars in losses with the write downs.  The stock finished down 10% with heavy volume.  Said CEO Timothy Eller, "Looking ahead we expect economic conditions to soften and foreclosures to increase and with that pressure on house prices may continue."

– Tonight Pulte Homes (PHM)is down another 5% after hours after losing 8% in the regular session following disappointing results.    "The challenging market conditions that plagued the homebuilding industry for the first nine months of 2007 worsened in the fourth quarter," Pulte’s president and chief executive, Richard J. Dugas Jr., said in a statement. "Levels of new and existing home inventory remain elevated, buyer demand for new homes continues to be weak, and mortgage availability is still a problem for many prospective homebuyers."

2. Insider Buying

In my last report I mentioned the large insider purchase by NVR CEO Dwight Schar, but no insider buying of that magnitude has been occurring in any of the other homebuilders yet.  Just a bit of insider buying at KB Homes (KBH) and Pulte Homes (PHM) recently.  More insider buying of home builder stocks can provide a bit more confidence that the bottom is in.  They aren’t going to be buying if they think their company might be in danger of bankruptcy and that is still a very real possibility.

According to Byron Douglass, an analyst at Credit Derivatives Research, the most exposed are Standard Pacific, Hovnanian, Beazer and Meritage. All are among the top 15 publicly listed US homebuilders.  He calculates the probability of bankruptcy at  79% for Standard  Pacific (SPF), 70% for Hovanian (HOV), 68% for Beazer Homes (BZH) and 66% for Meritage Homes (MTG).  Just yesterday, Tousa (TOUSA) was the largest home builder to declare bankruptcy.


Perhaps the most important part of the bottom forming process is the technical picture which of course includes a surge in price and volume to the upside.  Specifically, I like to see capitulation (a take out of multi year lows followed by heavy buying and a close at the highs on a daily or weekly basis) and down trends broken.

3. Capitulation

I haven’t seen obvious capitulation across the home builders, but a few have shown capitulation.  Big capitulation isn’t necessary for a bottom, it’s just another clue to look for.  The important thing is that buy volume spikes on up days and sell volume diminishes on down down days which has been the general trend over the past several weeks.

4. Broken Down Trends

I mentioned in the last report that home builders weren’t quite out of the woods because the iShares Home Construction ETF (ITB) and the SPDR Homebuilders ETF (XHB) had yet to clear down trends, even though some of the individual builders had.  That is no longer the case as both ITB and XHB have cleared down trends with heavy volume.  Below is a look at the daily chart of XHB.  You can see it cleared the downtrend as homebuilders have soared 30 – 40% in just the past couple weeks.  However, as indicated by stochastics and MACD, they are now very much overbought in the short term and the big distribution today sets them up for digestion of recent gains.  Look for a pull back of 10 – 20% from here.


I didn’t discuss sentiment in my first report, but wanted to touch on it here.  On Jan 14th, DailyWealth wrote a very timely report on the negative sentiment in the housing industry titled "What the Worst Case Scenario for Housing Looks Like"  Sentiment is important because the masses are usually wrong.  In the article, Tom Dyson hammers home the point well. 

"Right now, everyone worries about housing. Sure, home prices could keep falling, and the pain could last for another few years. But you won’t make any money betting on that scenario, even if it does happen. Why? Because everyone’s already worried about it. And their fears are already priced into the market.

To give you an example, yesterday I read a research report from a Wall Street investment bank. The analysts performed a worst-case analysis on eight major U.S. homebuilder stocks.

These analysts assumed that the value of homebuilders’ raw undeveloped land had fallen 75%. Then they cropped new home sales prices by 40% and assumed inventory would sell at 75% slower rate than it’s selling for right now.

In other words, with the stroke of a keypad, they sent the homebuilding business back to the Middle Ages.

Here’s the interesting thing: Having made these awful assumptions, they calculated book value for the eight major homebuilding stocks. Book value is the capital invested in the business that belongs to shareholders. It’s what you have left when you add up all the assets and subtract all the liabilities.

The research found that, right now, these homebuilding stocks were trading around par with their worst-case scenario book values. Homebuilder stocks usually trade at a premium to book value. In other words, current homebuilder share prices are trading at a discount to the worst-case scenario."

I Stand By My #1 Homebuilder Play – NVR Inc (NVR)

I continue to believe that NVR will provide far greater returns than any of the other home builders.  In my last report I mentioned that "It (NVR) takes the top spot because of the big CEO insider buying, best technicals and the fact that the company has remained profitable in every quarter during this housing crash and is expected to remain so.  CEO Dwight Schar has also been through a meltdown before, nearly bankrupting NVR several years ago.  I’m sure he’s smart enough to learn from those mistakes.

On  Tuesday, amid hundreds of millions of losses from its competitors, NVR reported yet another profitable quarter.   David Zelman, president of Zelman and Associates, a research firm in New York, said NVR has had success in the down market by building to order and optioning most of its land rather buying it.  That strategy, he said, has "proven through the down cycle why it makes sense."  However, the company is also warning of continued tough times ahead.  "These sizable declines in new order units and prices will continue to have a significant negative impact on revenues and gross margins in the coming quarters."

On the technical front I mentioned on Dec 7th, "If I can get shares around 400, you can be sure I’ll be buying, but quite frankly I don’t think NVR sees those levels again.  Depending on what the overall market is doing, what the housing market is doing and the individual action in NVR I’d be looking at shares in the 450 – 500 range.  Note the potential double bottom base outlined in blue?  If in fact this is a valid double bottom base, 400 is the bottom and we can expect a run to 850 – 950 within the next year.

I am now further convinced that NVR is carving out a double bottom base with a long term bottom at 400, with a run to 850 likely by sometime later this year or early next year.  Let’s take another look at the technicals.  Just like all home builders though, it’s overbought in the short term and needs to digest recent gains.  Just as I thought it wouldn’t see 400 again, I doubt it will hit 450 following this recent surge.  A pull back to around 500 with light selling volume might offer a chance to scale into a long term position.

The Bottom Line

While much of the bad news is priced into the home builders and the Fed induced surge has led to increasingly healthy technicals, bankruptcy risk of some high profile names remains and builders are very much overbought at these levels.  If I’m a long term holder, I’m waiting for the Fed rate cut euphoria to wear off and scaling into a long term position on a pull back of 10 – 20% from current levels.  NVR continues to be my top play in this industry, but buying one of the home builder ETF’s (XHB or ITB) is probably the better option for the risk averse investor.

Disclaimer:  I am personally shorting the home builders in the short term to take advantage of overbought conditions.

Cybersource (CYBS) Monster Quarter, Long Term Up Trend Intact

Today’s SelfInvestors Leading Stocks Moving on Earnings


CyberSource (CYBS) Business Software & Services, fundamental rank [27/30],  up 18%, reclaimed support of 200 day moving average to retain bullish long term picture; huge quarter

Harmonic (HLIT) Communication Equipment, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 9%, working on the right side of a base on base pattern

Caraco Pharmaceutical (CPD) Drugs – Generic, fundamental rank [26/30],  up 5%, holding above 50/200dma and still poised to breaking out of a decent looking base


none today

FBI Investigates 14 In Mortgage Industry

This news isn’t all that surprising .  After all  bubbles create greed  and greed creates criminals , so it’s just a matter of time before the  prison parade begins.  Deja vu.

The FBI isn’t disclosing which companies are under investigation but undoubtedly some big, recognized names are in this group.  The investigation began in spring of 2007 and includes companies across the financial services industry, from mortgage lenders to investment banks that bundle home loans into securities sold to investors.

Chief of economic crimes unit Neil Power said, "We’re looking at the executives to see if they were committing insider trading."

Who’s in cuffs first? Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide?  Stanley O’Neal of Merrill Lynch? Let the wagers and blame game begin.

 Should be interesting to watch these guys testify  to Congress on Feb 7th.

Chattem (CHTT) Soars, VMWare (VMW) Goodbye

Today’s SelfInvestors Leading Stocks Moving on Earnings

Earnings season is now in full force, so I’ll be highlighting leading stocks moving on earnings again.  This is a late one tonight but better late then never!  I’ll start posting these during the trading day.  With the market in bear mode, there won’t be as many leading stocks listed as in the past few years …


Chattem (CHTT)  Drug Manufacturerst, fundamental rank [28/30],  up 12%, looking to hit new all time highs soon after a near base failure


VMWare (VMW) Technical & System Software, fundamental rank [28/30],  down 34%, closes at lows with very heavy volume today and most likely headed to test the IPO opening price of 48.  Earnings were very good but expectations were way too high and already built into the stock.  Just another example of why it’s almost always a bad idea to hold a stock through earnings.

Optionsxpress (OXPS)  Investment Brokerage, fundamental rank [27/30],  down 6%, held up above 200 day moving average today and looks to be carving out the handle of a large base

Converted Organics (COIN) Bullish Triangle Play

I haven’t featured too many trades here at the blog recently but once the Fed is out of the way and some of the market uncertainty lifted, I’ll begin featuring them more.  Today, I feature Converted Organics (COIN), a stock that more than tripled near the beginning of the year in just a few weeks.  Since then, volume has dried up and price converged into a bullish triangle formation.  As you can see in the chart below, the stock could still drop to near 9 and still be considered in a bullish formation so there is room to consolidate for a few more days.  An entry may be signaled on a break out above the top of the triangle, just make sure the volume is there.  Also, consider smaller positions because these low price, momentum, speculative plays carry much more risk in a bear market.  Keep losses small and lock in profits quicker!

ETF, IPO & Breakout Stocks Analysis, Tracking & Research