Patience Pays, Cash Still King

In my last report I talked quite a bit about the spike in fear as measured by the VIX, the meaningful capitulation and the orderly retracement of that capitulation. .. the technical action provided a place to begin dabbling in only the highest quality of companies.  That was last week.. Despite the improving technicals, admittedly I have become more cautious as a result of the events of the past week and the uncertainty of  the effectiveness of the announced rescue plan. 

My feeling right now is this – if you are in the market with money you absolutely can’t afford to lose or need the cash within a couple years, moving to 100% cash is your best best.  If you don’t mind taking on some risk and have longer time horizons then I do believe it’s not a bad time to dabble in high quality names. 

Nobody knows what will happen over the next few weeks.. my concern is that the improving technical picture of the market may be trumped by reports that the rescue plan is rather ineffective.  On the other hand, there is so much fear out there right now.  I was reading one headline today about the fear of the market crashing 30% in a few days.. I’ve been getting a few panicked emails from members, not to mention a sharp increase in companies trying to capitalize on the fear by highlighting the doom and gloom of the financial markets in order to sell a product.  It’s everywhere and that’s one ingredient for finding a bottom.

What I’m personally doing is holding onto a few core long positions but will be watching closely how the market reacts to the rescue plan in the coming days.  Remember that the implementation of a rescue plan has been priced in to some degree, so we have to be careful of a sell on the news situation.  One thing is for sure – if big sell volume comes into the market, once the rescue euphoria wears off, I will be unloading more of my long positions and increasing short exposure. 

I would imagine for most of you, it’s going to be best to just sit tight for a couple weeks, sleeping well knowing you’re sitting on cash.  If the market rallies 1000 points in the coming days, no sweat.. Opportunities are made up easier that losses.

I’ll have a look at the technicals of the market again next week. 

::: Model Portfolio :::

** This section will now appear as a separate report about every other Wednesday. 

The Self Investors Model Portolio wrapped up 2006 with a gain of 27.6%, 2007 with a gain of 30.2% and is more than 10% ahead of the S&P in a very difficult 2008.  This is a REAL portfolio with position sizing and features annualized returns of 24%.

Would you like to receive buy and sell alerts in the Model Portfolio within minutes (NEW! now get them via instant messaging in near real time) of each transaction?  You can receive these along with ALL of the tracking tools and video reports with the very popular Gold membership.  Don’t delay, get started today and join me for many more highly profitable months here at

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Mortgage Investment: 49.30%
2. Dairy Products:  9.00%
3. Cigarettes: 2.35%
4. Application Software: 1.10%
5. Long Distance Carriers: .85%
6. Manufactured Housing: .75%
7. Integrated Oil & Gas:  .70%
8. Drug Manufacturers Major: .65%
9. Drug Manufacturers Other: .55%
10. Specialized Health Services: .50%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Savings & Loans: -31.80%
2. Banks – SE: -19.20%
3. Agricultural Chemicals: -16.10%
4. Heavy Construction: -14.80%
5. Banks – SW: -14.60%
6. Meat Products: -13.95%
7. Major Airlines: -13.45%
8. Broadcasting Radio: -12.70%
9. Steel & Iron: -12.25%
10. Aluminum: -12.25%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –

1. iShares Silver (SLV) 5.55% 
2. Asa Gold (ASA) 4.50%
3. US Oil Fund (USO) 4.35%
4. Herzfeld Caribbean (CUBA) 2.35%
5. iShares Commodities (GSG) 2.30%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Market Vectors Coal (KOL) -14.90%
2. SPDR Metals & Mining (XME) -14.00%
3. Market Vectors Steel (SLX) -13.70%
4. Market Vectors Agribusiness (MOO) -12.50%
5. iShares Basic Materials (IYM) -11.65%

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (9/29/2008- 10/3/2008) :::

Monday:        Personal Income/Spending 
Tuesday:       Chicago PMI, Consumer Confidence
Wednesday:  Auto/Truck Sales, Construction Spending, ISM Index
Thursday:      Initial Claims, Factory Orders 
Friday:           Nonfarm Payrolls, Unemployment Rate

::: Earnings I’m Watching This Week :::

Monday: Cal Maine Foods (CALM)

Wednesday: Mosaic (MOS)

Market Recap SelfInvestors Style: Panic, Capitulation, Retrace = Buy (little)

I’m alive, really .. but barely.  It’s been a crazy few weeks with the gyrating market and a spike of new members here at but I assure you that posting will resume more frequently very soon.  Lots to catch up on.. now where was I last here at the blog….

Ah, in my last full market report on September 7th, I thought the market would test the July lows and test it did in a big way.  I haven’t done a good job of updating on the market action here recently, but have been on top of it with my members (remember, you can receive my near nightly reports for free by registering at the top left).

I’d like to recap my notes to members over the past few weeks, then provide a look at the current market action and where we might be headed from here.

A day after my last full report, Fannie and Freddie were bailed out and the resulting move had me a bit surprised, but mentioned to members "Remember a few things – we are still in a bear market and there is absolutely little to no leadership.  Tomorrow’s action will be very important.  I always like to see what the market does AFTER a major news event or Fed decision.. it’s often much more telling.  So we wait…."

Indeed, the action the following day on September 9th was telling and a complete reversal of the temporary Fannie/Freddie bailout euphoria as the market plunged big with heavy volume. In my email to members.. "Today’s move was obviously a big negative if you’re a bull.  While volume didn’t come in heavier than yesterday (so technically not considered distribution), it was way above average so I’ll go ahead and call it what it is.. institutional selling.  I still believe the indices are poised to test the July lows at some point.  Who knows.. they may just do that tomorrow.  Please remain extremely careful down here.. 100% cash isn’t a bad place to be while the market negotiates another bottoming attempt."

Following a few days of relative stability, the market again took a turn for the worse on Sept 15th as Lehman collapsed and AIG was on the brink, which prompted me to send an email to my members titled "Who’s Controlling Your Financial Future".  I’m including it here in its entirety.

"First of all I want to congratulate you if you’ve taken the time out
of your busy week each week to spend the 5 minutes to read my
reports.  You likely watched today’s plunge in the market with no
worry, knowing your portfolio was intact, possibly even making money.
I have been stressing the importance of moving to cash particularly
in the last few weeks as the market became much more uncertain.  No,
I’m not a market magician, not a guru, just a guy who happens to
trade for a living based on what the charts are telling me.  There is
no magic involved, just price and volume, support and resistance.  I
just try to relay that information to you in a concise manner a few
times a week.  I know that many will delete my reports as soon as
they arrive, but if I can hammer home the idea that yes you can time
the markets to a certain degree and preserve that hard earned capital
to just a few people, then I will continue to do what I do.  I’d
love to hear how you are faring in this market, so feel free to drop
me a line.

Of course, I don’t need to spend any more of your time rehashing
today’s events.  You can hear all about it on the evening news.  My
job is to help make you money and preserve your capital because quite
frankly Wall St. and the Jim Cramers of the world aren’t going to do
that for you.  If the tech crash less than 10 years ago and financial
crash of today aren’t enough to convince people of that, I don’t
know what will.  It’s time to take control of your own account and
trade for yourself. 

Lately I’ve been thinking of those that are retired and trusting
their retirement accounts will be there for them.  These people
don’t check their accounts on a daily  basis because they trust.
They believe, because Wall St has ingrained it in them for so many
years, that there are "safe" investments that will provide nice
returns if you just hold them for the long haul.  Let me ask you –
wouldn’t you have considered a Washington Mutual safe? How about
Citigroup? AIG?  I hope that the general investing public now
realizes that few investments are safe for the long haul.

It’s hard to see what good can come from this financial disaster
with so many lives ruined (at least in a financial sense) but I
always believe that things happen for a reason with a much better
situation when the dust clears – as cliche as that sounds.  Wall St
was way overdue for a wake up call after years of extraordinary greed
and arrogance and you can’t help but think that new rules and
regulations will now pave much of Wall St, leading to a stronger
institution.  That being said, I my heart goes out to those that
spent so many years at firms like Bear and Lehman, trusting that
their leaders wouldn’t run the company into the ground.  Prison
should be the only option for those inept CEOs.

If you have been hurt financially by the events of the past year,
keep your head up and take some important lessons away.  I also
encourage you to take the next step and take control of your own
account.  It’s empowering and financially rewarding with the right
guidance.  If you’re willing to take that step I can get you headed
in the right direction, just let me know. 

Switching gears a bit, I’d like to talk briefly about today’s
market action.  Yes it was ugly.  More importantly, the S&P took out
the July low and closed at the low of the day with heavy volume.
What this does unfortunately is set us up for further deterioration
in the coming days.  On the bright side, the Nasdaq and Dow are still
holding up above the July lows so we’ll need to watch these levels
tomorrow right along with the VIX which looks poised and ready to
test the levels of the Aug 07, Jan 08 and March 08 correction bottoms
around 35 -37.50."

It didn’t take long before all the indices took out the July lows and appeared headed for the abyss.  Two days later on September 17th, growing concerns about the financial markets caused widespread panic with the indices closing at the lows of the day with heavy volume and no major support levels intact.  It certainly created a situation where murmurs of a market meltdown became more widespread on that Wednesday evening.  I mentioned this to members..

"Certainly, taking out the lows of yesterday sets the market up for
the possibility of another big plunge down, but there are some silver
linings to point out.  For one, the VIX is nearly at levels not seen
since Jan 08 and Aug 07.  The VIX currently sits at 36.22 and will
need to hit 37.50 to touch the level of those previous correction
bottoms.  However, I want to point out that at the 2001 and 2002
bottoms, the VIX spiked to above 55.  The Dow would need to plunge
another 1500 – 2000 points to reach that level.  It "could" happen
at some point, but lets zero in on at that 37.50 level first and see
how the market reacts to that level.  Another positive is that Jim
Cramer, who is quite possibly the worst market timer (at least
visible one) that has ever lived, doesn’t believe this market is
done going down.  I tend to agree, but hey I’m trying to find some
positives from today.. it aint easy.

Tomorrow will obviously be a very important day.  Remember though..
it’s not how we open, but how we close.  Until we start seeing a
trend of institutions buying into the close, this market isn’t going
anywhere.  I wouldn’t mind seeing the market down a few hundred more
in the morning, the VIX touching 37.50, followed by sustained buying
throughout the day for another day of capitulation.  .. but of course
the market doesn’t care what I want."

Thursday morning, after an initial rise, the market fell off a cliff and panic ensued with the VIX ("fear index") rising to levels not seen since the market crash of 2001/2002 which created the possibility of capitulation…  then news that the UK was banning short selling and Paulson working on an RTC type fix for banks and brokerages broke, sending shorts scrambling as the day ended in dramatic capitulation.  My email to members titled "Extreme Fear? You Betcha, Capitulation? You Betcha summed up the days action:

"Heading into today we had that VIX spike and major plunge in the indices yesterday to contend with, setting us up for the potential of some kind of wash out.  I felt like we were close.  I mentioned the doom and gloom of Jim Cramer last night and working late last night I couldn’t help but notice the story on Nightline about the "market in crisis".  They were interviewing CNBC talking heads including Cramer and discussing the collapse of AIG, Lehman, etc.  The world was coming to an end and Nightline was there with the story.. Read any major newspaper and the headlines were the same.  When you see this kind of negativity headlining the major news networks and newspapers, the average person becomes aware, creating a situation where everyone who has wanted to sell has done already done so.

Quite frankly, I was disappointed with the open as the indices jumped right out of the gate.  I really wanted to see a quick flush out right at the open.  It wasn’t long before I got my wish.  The indices turned tail, not only erasing a 200 point gain, but closing in on a loss of 200 by mid day as the VIX ("the fear index") broke through 37.50 (where it topped during the Aug 07 and Jan 08 bottoms) and touched 42.  The fear was here and everywhere.  Putnam Investments announced that were closing an institutional money market fund due to significant redemption pressure.  My concern at the time was that the VIX would want to test the area round 50, which it tested during the 2001/2002 market crash.  For that to happen, the Dow would have had to plunge another 400 points from the lowest levels of the day.

That may have very well happened if not for news out of the UK that it was halting all shorting on financial stocks until January.  That seemed to put a floor under the market for the time being and the market recovered quickly.  The icing on the cake for today’s dramatic reversal was news that Hank Paulson was working on an RTC type fix for banks and brokerages in order to clear their balance sheets of toxicity.  That sent shorts, who have had a field day this year, scrambling to cover positions.

Today was huge.  It’s a tremendous start to finding a bottom in this market and the lows of the day could very well be a lasting bottom.  What we got today was capitulation on a grand scale which changes the game for me.  Instead of sitting largely on the sidelines, I’m now going shopping and looking to scale into a few more long positions but only on orderly pull backs.  There is no reason to chase this move because there will be plenty of opportunity.. be patient, wait for you entry and don’t be afraid to initiate a position (albeit a smaller one that you would initiate in a bull market).  "

Now obviously a recap of what happened to the market in the past isn’t going to help make you money in the market next week but I wanted to recap my notes to members over the past couple weeks because it helps illustrate the kinds of emotions I was going through, the importance of fear as illustrated by the VIX and newspaper/TV headlines , the importance of how the market closes each day (not where it trades intraday)… oh and Jim Cramer as the ultimate contrarian indicator 🙂

So where do we stand now?  This market is certainly on much better footing now than it was on Wednesday night/Thursday morning of last week following that dramatic day of capitulation and it has changed the game for me somewhat, but I am being cautious.  I wanted to see an orderly retracement of that big move on Thurs & Friday in order to add a bit more skin into the game on the long side and we are getting it now.  I actually added a long position in the semiconductors near the close today but may hold off on additional long exposure until the rescue plan is passed.

Let’s take a look at the charts of the indices.  I’m using the weekly charts of the indices this week to get a better sense of the bigger picture.  The big picture is the large downward "bear market" channel that has been carving out since late last year, finding support and resistance along the way.  With Thursday’s capitulation move off the bottom of the channel, we find ourselves in a situation with good potential for a tradeable rally to the next level of major resistance which would most likely come in the area around S&P 1325 in another month or so. See how we have retraced about half of that weekly capitulation move?  This is the point where I want to put a little skin in the game on the long side.  By no means am I getting overly aggressive though.. this is STILL a bear market and should be respected. 


You see a nearly identical situation in the Dow with a capitulation move off support of the bottom of the channel last week and retracing some of that move this week.  So, major support around 10500 and the first major level of resistance around 11750 (previous resistance and the 200 dma on the weekly) .. if it can clear that, look for a move to test the top of the channel around 12250.


The Nasdaq is much further up in its channel currently and that’s a bit of a concern because it doesn’t have much room to run before hitting major resistance.  The area around 2325 – 2350 is going to be mighty formidable resistance but that’s still a nice 200 point pop from current levels, so certainly a tradeable rally.  I would like to see the Nasdaq close at 2200 or higher by the end of the week because it hasn’t closed below that level on a weekly basis during the correction of 2008.


That wraps it up for now.. please continue to be careful out there.  Don’t be afraid to put a bit of skin into the game now on the long side, but by no means take excessive risk!  That means smaller positions, fewer positions and absolutely no margin!  I’d even advocate sticking to ETFs for the time being, which carry considerably less risk than an individual stock.

::: Model Portfolio :::

** This section will now appear as a separate report about every other Wednesday. 

The Self Investors Model Portolio wrapped up 2006 with a gain of 27.6%, 2007 with a gain of 30.2% and is more than 10% ahead of the S&P in a very difficult 2008.  This is a REAL portfolio with position sizing and features annualized returns of 24%.

Would you like to receive buy and sell alerts in the Model Portfolio within minutes (NEW! now get them via instant messaging in near real time) of each transaction?  You can receive these along with ALL of the tracking tools and video reports with the very popular Gold membership.  Don’t delay, get started today and join me for many more highly profitable months here at

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Mortgage Investment: 42.00%
2. Silver:  29.70%
3. Gold: 23.80%
4. Banks – SE: 21.20%
5. Semis – Memory Chips: 19.45%
6. Nonmetallic Mineral Mining: 14.75%
7. Oil & Gas Drilling & Exploration:  11.95%
8. Toy & Hobby Stores: 11.70%
9. Pollution & Treatment Controls: 10.80%
10. Music & Video Stores: 10.65%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Processing Systems & Products: -13.15%
2. General Entertainment: -9.30%
3. Health Care Plans: -9.10%
4. Packaging & Containers: -8.60%
5. Printed Circuit Boards: -8.40%
6. Data Storage Devices: -8.30%
7. Electronic Stores: -7.70%
8. Dairy Products: -7.60%
9. Publishing – Books: -6.65%
10. Office Supplies: -6.60%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –

1. Central Fund of Canada (CEF) 29.00% 
2. Market Vectors Gold Miners (GDX) 25.30%
3. iShares Silver (SLV) 21.90%
4. PowerShares Precious Metals (DBP) 17.10%
5. Asa Gold (ASA) 16.60%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Chile Fund (CH) -6.70%
2. HLDRS Retail (RTH) -5.95%
3. iShares US Healthcare (IHF) -4.50%
4. iShares US Consumer (IYC) -4.40%
5. SPDR Select Consumer (XLP) -4.35%

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (9/22/2008- 9/26/2008) :::

Monday:        None
Tuesday:       None
Wednesday:  Existing Home Sales, Crude Inventories
Thursday:      Durable Orders, Initial Claims, New Home Sales
Friday:           GDP (final)

::: Earnings I’m Watching This Week :::

Tuesday: FactSet (FDS), Lennar (LEN)

Wednesday: Copart (CPRT), Nike (NKE)

Thursday: Accenture (ACN), Chattem (CHTT), CRA International (CRAI), Research In Motion (RIMM)

Friday: KB Home (KBH)

BAC Buys Merrill, Lehman On the Brink, Fed Decision & CPI Tues

No detailed market report this week – I’ll hold off for a few days until the Lehman, Merrill issues (updated: BAC buys Merrill) get sorted out.. of course the July lows will be the critical hold area. 

Fed rate decision and CPI Tuesday and earnings out of Goldman, Morgan Stanley and Lehman this week so remaining on the sidelines for the most part continues to be the best strategy.

::: Model Portfolio :::

** This section will now appear as a separate report about every other Wednesday. 

The Self Investors Model Portolio wrapped up 2006 with a gain of 27.6%, 2007 with a gain of 30.2% and is more than 10% ahead of the S&P in a very difficult 2008.  This is a REAL portfolio with position sizing and features annualized returns of 24%.

Would you like to receive buy and sell alerts in the Model Portfolio within minutes (NEW! now get them via instant messaging in near real time) of each transaction?  You can receive these along with ALL of the tracking tools and video reports with the very popular Gold membership.  Don’t delay, get started today and join me for many more highly profitable months here at

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Food Wholesale: 7.79%
2. Air Delivery & Freight Service:  7.75%
3. Residential Construction: 7.50%
4. Banks – Mid Atlantic: 7.20%
5. REIT – Hotel/Motel: 6.40%
6. Manufactured Housing: 6.10%
7. Banks – Southeast:  5.50%
8. Regional Airlines: 5.20%
9. Auto Parts: 5.20%
10. Banks Pacific: 5.10%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Mortgage Investment: -50.25%
2. Investment Brokerage – National: -17.60%
3. Internet Service Providers: -11.55%
4. Silver: -10.20%
5. Broadcasting – Radio: -9.70%
6. Investment Brokerage – Regional: -6.90%
7. Personal Computers: -6.90%
8. Resorts & Casinos: -6.20%
9. Nonmetallic Mineral & Mining: -5.70%
10. Semiconductor – Specialized: -5.30%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –

1. iShares US Home Construction (ITB) 8.75% 
2. iShares South Korea (EWY) 7.75%
3. SPDR Banking (KRE) 7.35%
4. SPDR Homebuilders (XHB) 6.90%
5. Korea Fund (KF) 6.15%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Herzfeld Cuba (CUBA) -13.40%
2. Indonesia Fund (IF) -11.75%
3. Templeton Dragon Fund (TDF) -11.25%
4. iShares Silver (SLV) -10.65%
5. iShares Dow Jones (IAI) -9.65%

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (9/15/2008- 9/19/2008) :::

Monday:        Capacity Utilization, Industrial Production
Tuesday:       CPI, FOMC Policy
Wednesday:  Building Permits, Housing Starts, Crude Inventories
Thursday:      Leading Indicators, Initial Claims, Philly Fed
Friday:           None

::: Earnings I’m Watching This Week :::

Monday: Titan Machinery (TITN)

Tuesday: Adobe Systems (ADBE), Goldman Sachs (GS)

Wednesday: Morgan Stanley (MS)

Thursday: Lehman Bros (LEH), Oracle (ORCL)

Indices Poised to Test July Lows, Caution Urged

It’s been mighty quiet at the blog here for the past few weeks but more frequent posts will resume now!  I’ve been dealing with some personal stuff and spent nearly two weeks over in Lake Chelan in central WA.  I’m recharged and ready to go!.. as is this market.  Unfortunately that direction appears to be down in the coming weeks which I’ll get into in more detail in a bit. 

To recap:

In my report on Aug 10th titled "Volume Reveals Rally May Be Weakening As Indices Clear Key Resistance", I highlighted the fact that the Nasdaq was weakening after running up more than 10% in a month.

"The Nasdaq is now up more than 10% in one month as it approaches big, bad resistance of the 200 day moving average.  If it does test that level, and I think there is a very good chance that it will, it’s time to lock in profits and get very conservative .. The easy money of this rally has been made, so any further spikes up from here will offer an opportunity to lock in some profit and/or initiate a few short positions.  If you’re not a shorter term trader it’s going to best to just lock in much of your profits and sit tight in cash for a few weeks."

The Nasdaq did end up testing that 200 day moving average and actually moved above it for a brief time as volume continued to diminish.  That was a good time to lock in some hard earned profits and/or begin hedging your bets a bit.  

In that report I also said that ".. 2350 is the new line in the sand for the Nasdaq.  A close below this level with heavy volume would indicate significant weakness and put the Nasdaq back in danger of testing the lows of this correction."

Well, last Thursday that line in the sand was breached with heavy volume so we find ourselves in a position where the indices are likely to test the lows of this correction.


The first sign of potential trouble didn’t occur on Thursday though, it showed up in a high volume reversal on Tuesday.  I sent the following note to my premium members that evening:

"Today was the first day of trading with significant volume in a few weeks and the technical action wasn’t pretty.  I talk a lot about the significance of high volume reversals in the video presentations I do for you with individual stocks but the significance is just as great in the indices.  The Dow nearly touched a gain of 250 in the morning before wiping away that entire gain and then some by the close as institutions used the rally to dump some positions.  That kind of action typically leads to further deterioration ahead, so we’ll need to keep a close eye on how this market responds to today’s weakness in the days ahead.  Another big distribution day or two could spell big trouble for this market as we move into a historically weak month for the market."

It’s important to be extremely cautious now with any bounces from here offering another chance to move more to cash and initiate short positions.

::: Model Portfolio :::

** This section will now appear as a separate report about every other Wednesday. 

The Self Investors Model Portolio wrapped up 2006 with a gain of 27.6%, 2007 with a gain of 30.2% and is more than 10% ahead of the S&P in a very difficult 2008.  This is a REAL portfolio with position sizing and features annualized returns of 24%.

Would you like to receive buy and sell alerts in the Model Portfolio within minutes (NEW! now get them via instant messaging in near real time) of each transaction?  You can receive these along with ALL of the tracking tools and video reports with the very popular Gold membership.  Don’t delay, get started today and join me for many more highly profitable months here at

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Banks – SE: 12.00%
2. Banks – Pacific:  7.30%
3. Banks – Mid Atlantic: 6.85%
4. Surety & Title Insurance: 6.70%
5. Major Airlines: 6.50%
6. Tobacco Products: 4.65%
7. Semiconductor – Memory Chips:  4.10%
8. Home Improvement Stores: 3.75%
9. Banks – Midwest: 3.60%
10. Specialty Retail: 3.25%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Silver: -16.40%
2. Steel & Iron: -15.90%
3. Heavy Construction: -15.40%
4. Gold: -15.30%
5. Industrial Metals & Minerals: -14.50%
6. Copper: -14.00%
7. General Contractors: -13.95%
8. Farm & Construction Machinery: -13.50%
9. Communication Equipment: -13.30%
10. Printed Circuit Boards: -13.05%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –

1. SPDR Regional Banking (KRE) 5.70% 
2. HLDRS Regional Banking (RKH) 3.40%
3. SPDR Retail (XRT) 2.70%
4. SPDR Financials (XLF) 1.65%
5. iShares Home Construction (ITB) 1.30%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Market Vectors Coal (KOL) -18.10%
2. Market Vectors Steel (SLX) -15.20%
3. SPDR Metals & Mining (XME) -14.60%
4. Market Vectors Gold Miners (GDX) -13.90%
5. iShares Brazil (EWZ) -13.30%

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (9/8/2008- 9/12/2008) :::

Monday:        Consumer Credit 
Tuesday:       Pending Home Sales, Wholesale Inventories
Wednesday:  Crude Inventories
Thursday:      Export/Import Prices, Initial Claims, Trade Balance, Treasury Budget
Friday:           PPI, Retail Sales, Business Inventories

::: Earnings I’m Watching This Week :::

Tuesday: Aerovironment (AVAV), ARCSIGHT (ARST)

Thursday: Lululemon (LULU)

The Pelosi & Pickens Profit Plan With Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE)

nancy pelosi Nancy Pelosi is quite a busy woman these days. Juggling the House Speaker role, a new book, chair of the Democratic Convention.  Now she’s "trying to save the planet" by sparring with Republicans over offshore drilling issues.  Are Pelosi action figures next?

clean_energy_fuelsWhile saving the planet, it appears Pelosi will also line her own pockets if in fact the Pickens Plan comes to fruition. is reporting that Pelosi is a shareholder in Clean Energy  Fuels (CLNE) and purchased between $50K – $100K in shares on May 25th that could well be worth 3x that now and millions more if she’s successful in helping get California’s Proposition 10 (known as the California Renewable Energy & Clean Alternative Fuel Act) passed.  The bill would spend 5 billion in California bond money to promote natural gas as a cleaner alternative fuel and is backed by none other than Clean Energy Fuels and co Seattle Supersonics Thief himself, Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon (a large producer of .. natural gas)

I’m certainly all for alternative fuels particularly wind and solar, but have had my own doubts about the natural gas portion of Pickens Plan.  Add the Pelosi relationship and the water rights issues into the mix and what you have is one big plan.. the Pickens & Pelosi Profits Plan.

After the bell today, Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE) reported EPS and revenue a bit better than expectations, but still reported a sizable loss of .12/share excluding special items.  The stock is up about 2% after hours.

US Dollar Closing In On Major Resistance, Expect Commodities Snap Back Rally

Quite a bit has been made of the dollar rally recently and its contribution to the demise of commodities over the last several weeks, so I wanted to put up a 10 year chart of the US Dollar Index to get an idea of just how far the US dollar may rally before pulling back, which could be the catalyst for a furious snap back rally in commodities.

As I’ve said to members a couple weeks ago, I think the major bull run in commodities is in great jeopardy and I’d be selling into a major rally, but in the shorter term there is going to be tremendous profit potential across gold, oil, coal, etc.  We’re seeing some of that today which could be the beginning. 

Look at the major downtrend of the dollar and the spike over the last month.  This rally is nearly vertical and the largest in 3 years.  If you believe that the dollar is going to be able to sustain this kind of move and blow through major resistance of a 6 year downtrend, then keep shorting commodities.  If you believe the dollar will fail at this line of resistance, at least for a few weeks then place your bets!


Volume Reveals Rally May Be Weakening As Indices Clear Key Resistance

On Friday the market managed to put an immediate end to the weakness of the previous day, hold at key short term support levels and stage a big rally as commodities continued to plunge and the dollar continued to strengthen.  In a bit of a divergence of bullish trends, the indices did get through some important resistance levels but did so on curiously weak volume for such a big price move.

I’ll get right into the charts of the indices.

A new floor is developing in the Nasdaq at the 50 day moving average around 2350.  It closed above this area on Wednesday, pulled back on lighter volume Thursday to test this new found support area, then staged the massive rally on Friday to confirm Wednesday’s move.  So, 2350 is the new line in the sand for the Nasdaq.  A close below this level with heavy volume would indicate significant weakness and put the Nasdaq back in danger of testing the lows of this correction.

The Nasdaq is now up more than 10% in one month as it approaches big, bad resistance of the 200 day moving.  If it does test that level, and I think there is a very good chance that it will, it’s time to lock in profits and get very conservative.  This is still a bear market until proven otherwise (a break of the bear downtrend lines) and this rally is a bit too steep to be sustainable.  A pull back to 2350, with some sideways action for a few weeks would be a very bullish way to digest this run up.  If you are just now putting money to work in this rally, I think that’s a very big mistake.  The easy money has been made, so it’s time to start thinking about locking in some profits and soon start thinking about hedging with some short positions.


As long as the S&P continues to make higher lows, it’s tough to take on a bearish position but there are some concerns up here.  Yes the S&P cleared a key level of resistance on Friday above the July and Aug highs but still faces that 50 day moving average at 1300.  In addition, take a look at the volume levels in the past two trading days as the S&P negotiates tough resistance.  Thursday was a day of distribution and the rally on Friday was really out of the blue in my opinion.  It came just one day after significant distribution AND there really wasn’t much volume behind it.

If the S&P can follow through next week and clear that level of resistance and then hold there, that would be very bullish for this market. At the very least we need to continue making higher lows.  So continue to play a bit on the bullish side until we stop making higher lows, but the farther up we push get increasingly conservative (that means locking in some of those profits!)


The Dow also cleared the July and Aug highs and took it one step further – it cleared the 50 day moving average to reclaim some important levels of support.  There is still some congestion in the 11800 area though, so I’d like to see it close above this level by the end of the next week to confirm the bullishness of this move.  Again, the volume of the past couple trading days is a concern, so we’ll need to reverse that trend next week with higher volume buying and lower volume selling.


The easy money of this rally has been made, so any further spikes up from here will offer an opportunity to lock in some profit and/or initiate a few short positions.  If you’re not a shorter term trader it’s going to best to just lock in much of your profits and sit tight in cash for a few weeks.

::: Model Portfolio :::

** This section will now appear as a separate report about every other Wednesday.

The Self Investors Model Portolio wrapped up 2006 with a gain of 27.6%, 2007 with a gain of 30.2% and is more than 10% ahead of the S&P in a very difficult 2008.  This is a REAL portfolio with position sizing and features annualized returns of 24%.

Would you like to receive buy and sell alerts in the Model Portfolio within minutes (NEW! now get them via instant messaging in near real time) of each transaction?  You can receive these along with ALL of the tracking tools and video reports with the very popular Gold membership.  Don’t delay, get started today and join me for many more highly profitable months here at

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Long Term Care Facilities: 22.05%
2. Apparel Clothing:  12.70%
3. Jewelry Stores: 12.65%
4. Department Stores: 12.35%
5. Textile Manufacturing: 12.05%
6. Resorts & Casinos: 11.80%
7. Major Airlines:  11.30%
8. Semis – Memory Chips: 10.50%
9. General Contractors: 10.50%
10. Home Improvement Stores: 10.30%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Silver: -15.80%
2. Mortgage Investment: -13.00%
3. Internet Service Providers: -11.85%
4. Agricultural Chemicals: -11.25%
5. Gold: -11.15%
6. Nonmetallic Mineral Mining: -10.20%
7. Oil & Gas Drilling & Exploration: -8.95%
8. Heavy Construction: -8.65%
9. Oil & Gas Equipment & Services: -7.45%
10. Air Services – Other: -7.45%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –

1. SPDR Homebuilders (XHB) 8.95%
2. HLDRS Semis (SMH) 7.60%
3. SPDR Consumer Discretionary (XLY) 7.55%
4. HLDRS Retail (RTH) 7.35%
5. iShares Semis (IGW) 6.90%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Market Vectors Gold Miners (GDX) -14.40%
2. Asa Gold (ASA) -13.65%
3. iShares Silver (SLV) -12.10%
4. US Nat Gas (UNG) -11.50%
5. Market Vectors Russia (RSX) -10.60%

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (8/11/2008- 8/15/2008) :::

Monday:        None
Tuesday:       Trade Balance, Treasury Budget
Wednesday:  Export/Import Prices, Retail Sales, Business Inventories Crude Inventories
Thursday:      CPI, Initial Claims
Friday:           Capacity Utilization, Industrial Production

::: Earnings I’m Watching This Week :::

Monday: AirMedia (AMCN), American Oriental Bioengineering (AOB), Fuel Tech (FTEK), Inner Workings (INWK), LDK Solar (LDK), Petrobras (PBR), VAALCO Energy (EGY)

Tuesday: 3SBIO (SSRX), Energy Recovery (ERII), GigaMedia (GIGM), The Hospitalist Company (IPCM), Ituran Location & Control (ITRN), JA Solar (JASO), Watson Wyatt Worldwide (WW)

Wednesday: Canadian Solar (CSIQ), Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE), (CTRP), (NTES), WuxiPharma (WX)

Thursday: Flowers Foods (FLO), Gafisa (GFA), Ricks Cabaret (RICK), Sociedad (SQM), VanceInfo Tech (VIT), Wal Mart (WMT)

Friday: ShengaTech (SDTH)

Commodities Charts

I was doing some searching around for a site with good free commodities charts and thought I’d share a list of decent resources.  Ok, make that resource.  I’ve had a heck of a time finding free charts of commodities, so if anyone has suggestions please leave them in the comments section.  It’s greatly appreciated.  

It’s interesting to look at historical prices of orange juice futures, frozen pork bellies and lumber. .. some of the commodities you never hear about.

Of course it’s also interesting to take a look at the parabolic runs in corn, wheat and oil.  One decent free resource is  It’s not the most user friendly site you’ll ever use but they do have all the commodities charts and if you display on a monthly basis  you can pull up a 10 year chart. 

Can you say bubble? 

The corn bubble appears to be popping.. don’t expect to ever see $750 again


Very skinny heady and shoulders top on wheat? 1250 will never be seen again.


Oil at $110 in the near future is all but a given and I think if we can’t hold there, we could see $90 by next year.  Even if oil drops to $75, if still retains its bullish uptrend.


I’m looking for some kind of snap back relief rally in many of these commodities, but the longer term picture (6 months to year) doesn’t look good if you’re a commodity bull.

ETF Tracker: Greatest Demand – Financials Lead, Healthcare/Biotech, India Showing Life

Below is a portion of the Self Investors ETF Tracker (minus a few of the data columns so I could fit it into the page).  The most important data is the DI15 and DI30 columns which measure the amount of demand over the past 15 and 30 trading days.  I use the ETF Tracker to gauge where in the market the money is flowing and can easily see that with the Demand Indicator scores.

You can see that most of the institutional buying has flowed into the financials and to a lesser degree, healthcare/biotech.  Please note that points are awarded for both high volume moves up as well as light volume moves down (healthy selling), so an ETF may be moving down in price but could have a bullish demand score which could indicate a bottom.

For example, take a look at the iShares Global Energy ETF (IXC).  The fund is down about 30% in the last two months, but clearly the selling has been on light volume as indicated by its positive demand scores.  This might be an ETF I consider for a bounce back play in oil.  There is big support in this at around 40/share. 

Another interesting thing to point out is the quiet emergence of the India funds, particularly the Morgan Stanley India ETF (IIF).  Notice that over the last 15 trading days there has been either big buying, light selling or both.  Taking a look at the chart reveals some big buying going on over the past month.  This could be a long term bottom in India and I’ll be watching the India ETFs carefully for an entry.

Ticker Name DI
% From
50 DMA
% From
200 DMA
UYG ProShares Ultra Financials 108 51 -1.43 -33.29
RKH HLDRS Regional Banks 85 57 8.05 -11.44
TKF Turkish Fund 43 31 3.08 -10.39
PJB PowerShares Dynamic Banking 40 38 7.09 1.07
IXJ Ishares Global Healthcare 35 36 5.06 1.12
XLF SPDR Financial 34 25 1.65 -15.3
URE ProShares Ultra Real Estate 33 8 -4.21 -14.01
BBH HLDRS Biotech 32 32 13.13 17.83
IIF Morgan Stanley India Fund 30 3 6.04 -18.22
PBE PowerShares Biotech/Genome 25 25 9.24 8.87
XHB SPDR Homebuilders 25 14 -0.46 -11.08
ICF Ishares Realty 24 19 0.26 -1.73
IXC IShares S&P Global Energy 20 17 -13.25 -9.09
IAI Ishares Broker Dealers 18 8 -4.01 -21.34
IHF Ishares Health Care Providers 18 20 4.65 -8.94
PXN PowerShares Lux Nanotech 15 11 0.57 -4.7
SMN ProShares Ultra Short Basic Materials 14 31 22.7 0.35
RWR streetTRACKS Wilshire REIT 14 6 0.11 -1.98
IFN India Fund 13 -4 3.93 -15.02
DUG ProShares Ultra Short Oil & Gas 12 26 26.76 6.61


Disclaimer: no positions in the ETF’s above

ETF, IPO & Breakout Stocks Analysis, Tracking & Research