Bernanke Speaks, Market Rallies With Volume; Stock of Day – Titanium Metals (TIE)

::: Today’s Market Action :::

Leave it to the calm and upbeat Bernanke to spoil the bears attempt to send this market into the much anticipated, all so elusive correction.  I’m not sure what the stats are on this but I’m sure that 80 – 90% of the time that Bernanke provides commentary on the economy, the market gets a boost.  Today, it was a big boost.  A broad market rally with volume a bit better than yesterday.  Oh and in case you missed the headlines on CNBC all day, the Dow is at another record high.  I’ve been leaning to the bearish side over the past couple and played the odds of the market taking out support very soon.  Once again, that isn’t happening so I’m forced to take a more neutral position by adding a couple long plays.  If the Nasdaq can break above 2509 with volume I’ll take it a step further – paint me bullish. 

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day Feb 14th 2007

Volume wasn’t great in S&P and Dow but there was accumulation across all indices today.

Nasdaq: UP 1.16% today with volume 5% BELOW  average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) UP 1.69%, volume 17% ABOVE average
Dow: UP .69%, volume 1% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): UP .67%, volume 2% BELOW the average
S&P ETF (SPY): UP .66%, volume 4% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): UP .09%, volume 45% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  Leading stocks didn’t beat out the Nasdaq in price performance but volume was very good.


* Advancers led Decliners 296 to 126
* Advancers were up an average of 1.82% today, with volume 19% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 1.31% with volume 22% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was UP .87% today with volume 20% ABOVE  the average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for guaging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Materials, Aerospace/Defense, Water, Transports, Realty, Utilities
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Commodities, Oil

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Broad rally today – semis, transports, broadband, clean energy, technology and broker/dealers all up with volume today

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
Oil, Commodities, Real Estate

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  Today’s stock is Titanium Metals (TIE), one of the highest rated stocks currently tracked by

ABOUT:  Titanium Metals Corporation (TIMET) is a producer of titanium sponge, melted products and a variety of mill products for aerospace, industrial and other applications. For the commercial aerospace industry, the Company supplies titanium products to manufacturers of commercial airframes. Outside of aerospace markets, the Company manufactures a range of products for customers in the chemical process, oil and gas, consumer, sporting goods, automotive, power generation and armor/armament industries. Approximately 15% of the Company’s sales revenue, during the year ended December 31, 2005, was generated by sales into industrial and emerging markets. TIMET markets and sells its products in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Italy.

FUNDAMENTALS:  TIE has consistently been one of the highest rated stocks that I’ve tracked over the past couple years and it remains so with a slow down nowhere in site..  This is a company that became profitable for the first time in ’04 and is coming off a year in ’06 in which proftis nearly tripled.  Rising profit margins and ROE indicate this is a company that continues to run on all cylinders.  TIE receives a near perfect fundamental score of 30/30.

TECHNICAL:  After running up more than 40 fold in 3 years, TIE needed to carve out a big base in order to shake out the weakest holders of the stock and begin a new run.  The time for a new run is now.  After reporting outstanding earnings yesterday, the stock broke out this morning and looks poised to tackle the all time high around 45.  Given the steep base, I’d be looking to take my profit up around those levels.

SELFINVESTORS RATING: With a total score of 54/60 (29/30 for fundamentals, 25/30 for technical), TIE is one of two highest rated break out stocks.

Full Disclosure/Disclaimer: The stock of the day is by no means a buy recommendation.  Please do your own research and make a personal decision based on your own tolerance for risk.  I currently do own a position in TIE.

Titanium Metals (TIE) Breaks Out, Ansoft (ANST) Adds to Breakout


  • Garmin (GRMN) Scientific & Technical Instruments, fundamental rank [28/30],  up 9%, another new all time high
  • Ansoft (ANST) Technical & System Software, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 4%, adding to yesterday’s breakout move
  • Titanium Metals (TIE) Steel & Iron, fundamental rank [29/30],  up 4%, break out!


  • Daktronics (DAKT) Scientific & Technical Instruments, fundamental rank [25/30],  down 21%, crushed but bouncing off 200dma
  • Watts Water Technologies (WTS) Industrial Equip & Components, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 10%,   moving off the lows of the day but has taken out support of the 50dma and may ultimately test the 200dma in the next couple weeks
  • Gen Probe (GPRO) Research Services, fundamental rank [23/30],  down 6%, took out 2 key levels of support today .. this stock isn’t going anywhere anytime soon

Weak Bounce Before Bernanke; Stock of Day – Icon (ICLR)

After 3 straight down days, it looked the market was looking for an excuse to rally and it found one the rumored takeover of Alcoa by either BHP Billiton (BHP) or Rio Tinto (RTP) which provided optimism for more big M&A deals in the works.  Today’s action as bullish as it appeared on the outside wasn’t anymore than a minor bounce.  While volume levels came in bit higher in the Dow and S&P than yesterday (which was a very quiet day), trading volume was still well below average.  I’m not calling today’s action accumulation and we’re still in danger of taking out key support levels in the coming days.  Remain on the cautious side.

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day Feb 13th 2007

Volume came in higher than yesterday in Dow and S&P but I’m not calling it accumulation because it was well below average levels.

Nasdaq: UP .39% today with volume 7% BELOW  average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) UP .37*%, volume 22% BELOW average
Dow: UP .81%, volume 10% BELOW the average
Dow ETF (DIA): UP .83%, volume 17% BELOW the average
S&P ETF (SPY): UP .84%, volume 4% BELOW the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): DOWN .82%, volume 6% BELOW the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  Leading stocks did fairly well today but the volume in decling stocks was much greater than rising rising leading stocks.


* Advancers led Decliners 306 to 109
* Advancers were up an average of 1.71% today, with volume 3% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 1.89% with volume 37% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was UP .77% today with volume 12% ABOVE  the average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for guaging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Aerospace/Defense, Materials, Water, Transport, Realty, Internet
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Oil, Broadband, Nanotech

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Materials, Realty, Oil Services, Telecom

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
No Big Down Movers Today

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  Today’s stock is Icon (ICLR), an Irish ADR providing research services that broke out to a new all time high..

ABOUT:  ICON public limited company is a contract research organization, providing clinical research and development services on a global basis to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. The Company provides a range of clinical research services, which facilitates the collection, analysis and reporting of clinical trials data. The range of services includes clinical pharmacology, bioanalysis, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis, study protocol preparation, case report form preparation, clinical trial approvals, investigator recruitment, study monitoring and data collection, patient safety monitoring, clinical data management, biostatistical services, medical reporting, central laboratory services, interactive voice response, animal health, regulatory consultancy, strategic drug development services and digital imaging. During the year ended December 31, 2005, ICON had operations in 41 locations in 27 countries, including the United States, Europe and others.

FUNDAMENTALS:  With the exception fo a dip in ’05, ICON is a company that posts significant earnings growth each and every year.  Growth in 2006 was a record for the company as sales growth continues to accelerate.  Solid growth is expected to continue.

TECHNICAL:  While the stock has already had a big run over the past year, the technical action indicates there is considerable room to run.  Today, following an earnings report in which the company beat estimates and guided higher, the stock broke out from a base and catapulted to a new all time high with good volume.  It’s a bit extended at this point, but any minor pull back would offer a real nice entry.

SELFINVESTORS RATING: With a total score of 51/60 (24/30 for fundamentals, 27/30 for technical), ICLR is currently a top 10 Self Investors break out stock.

Full Disclosure/Disclaimer: The stock of the day is by no means a buy recommendation.  Please do your own research and make a personal decision based on your own tolerance for risk.  I currently do not hold a position in ICLR.

A Uranium ETF.. Sort OF

In yesterday’s article which took a look at profit opportunities in clean coal, nuclear and uranium miners I alluded to the fact that there really wasn’t a way make a diversified investment within the US Markets in the uranium space.  A reader’s comment reminded me of a portion of my research I forgot to include.  While there isn’t any way that I know of to play uranium through ETF’s there is one Canadian company that just buys up uranium and stores it, allowing you to play the spot price of uranium.  However, I don’t I’d be playing the spot price of uranium up at this level, which no doubt has moved higher on the Cameco mine flood news.  The price has about doubled in the past year and near $75/pound.  It’s an investment tool I’ll certainly be keeping an eye on though.  Anyway the company is Uranium Participation Corp (ticker U:TO)  I believe most brokers will allow you to make trades on the Toronto Exchange but you’ll most likely pay a hefty commission. 

“Uranium Participation Corp. will invest at least 85% of the gross proceeds of the over-allotment in U3O8. The objective of Uranium Participation Corp. is to provide an investment alternative for investors interested in holding U3O8, which will be physically stored in duly licensed facilities located in Canada, France, the United Kingdom and/or the United States. The strategy of Uranium Participation Corp. is to invest primarily in long-term holdings of U3O8 and not to actively speculate with regard to short-term changes in uranium prices.”

There are many Canadian, so called uranium plays out there that you reallly have to be careful of.  Take a look at this list of Candadian uranium miners.  Reminds me of the tech boom when any company that put .com in their name got big attention from speculators.  Be careful, I imagaine that there is little possibility some of these miners are going to be extracting significant amounts of uranium any time soon. (KNOT), Icon (ICLR) Earnings Movers

::: Today’s Earning’s Movers :::


  • Icon (ICLR) Research Services, fundamental rank [23/30],  up 6%, that’s a base break out to a new all time high after earnings today
  • Cephalon (CEPH) Drug Manufactures, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 5%, poised to break out from handle of long base
  • Brush Engineered Material (BW) Industrial Metals & Minerals, fundamental rank [21/30],  up 5%, adds to gains following yesterday’s break out


  • (KNOT) Internet Info Providers, fundamental rank [27/30],  down 19%, reported good quarter but hammered and headed to 200 dma
  • Interactive Intelligence (ININ) Business Software & Services, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 18%, like KNOT it too knifes through 50dma with dramatic sell off and headed to 200dma
  • Nasdaq Stock Market (NDAQ) Business & Management Services, fundamental rank [23/30],  down 12%, took out 2 key levels of support today with record volume

Festival of Stocks

Frugal discusses the demand for ethanol, the resulting agricultural inflation and a way to play it.  Reminds me of a story I just read (can’t remember where) about the skyrocketing costs of corn tortillas in Mexico and how it is having a great impact on their economy.

Trent at Stock Market Beat highlights the impressive Tempur Pedic(TPX) earnings report – the report from rival Select Comfort (SCSS) wasn’t nearly as impressive

Intrinsic value and margin of safety.. Are you feeling safe?

Paul Smith on opportunities resulting from changes in Australian tax code.

Andrea Dickson at Wisebread muses about those pesky penny stock spam emails (Note: I’ve been using a pay service from Cloudmark which after a couple weeks of training, now blocks 99.9% of all spam)

H.S. Ayoub of BioHealth Investor singles out who Wall St Journal named the #2 best performing insider and what they have been picking up lately

I agree with with the Skiled Investor that higher management fees don’t equate to better performace – if you’re into the mutual fund thing (which I’m not) there are plenty of quality funds that won’t charge you fees on both the front and back end.  In my opinion ETF’s are the way to go particularly if you’re investing large amounts (so your commissions are lower).  There aren’t any restrictions on how long you need to hold and they offer better flexibility.

I don’t trade the slow, lumbering blue chips of the Dow, but Surfer Sam provides a brief History of this more American than applie pie index

Travis Johnson takes a look at a speculative Alzheimers play and makes a compelling argument for owning it himself.

George at Fat Pitch Financial places a value on Unilever (UL) – is it overvalued or undervalued?  I’m a technical trader – from this standpoint the stocks looks poised to head lower, potentially as much as 5 – 7% over the next couple weeks where it would find support at its 200 day moving average around 25.

Trading On Earnings Reports


Do you follow all the stocks every day that post earnings or just the ones that are good companies?  I can see what you mean by waiting until after the report to buy or not. Sometimes it is a good idea to buy before the report though.  How does one really know?  What service do you use to know what companies are going to report for that day?  Yahoo lists some and so does MSN. I have been watching some.

My Response:

I typically just follow the stocks that I’m tracking in the database, and will watch very closely a few of the very best companies that are near a breakout or within buyable range because maybe the earnings provides the catalyst to break out as we saw with LQDT.  I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to buy ahead of earnings, but there are times when I’ll hold a stock through earnings (sometimes if the company is larger and has proven itself over time – ie. Google or News Corp)
You won’t ever know what a company is going to report but the whisper number (which provides is a much more accurate number than what the analyst estimates are and is the number that a stock often trades off of.  If a company beats the analyst estimates number but misses the whisper number, you’ll often see the stock sell.
It’s generally a good idea to avoid trading off earnings altogether.  Why worry if a company is going to beat the whisper and guide higher for next quarter?  Here is a copy of a post I made at the blog a couple years ago regarding earnings:
"The greater the degree of uncertainty, the greater your risk in holding a position in a stock. All stocks are uncertainties, but there is no moment of greater uncertainty than that of an earnings report. It’s the time when the company reports on how well it is doing now and how well it expects to do in the future. Often times, other major announcements are made as well. It can be a time of extreme volatility, especially with small cap, high growth stocks. Sure, the upside potential can be great, but there are too many things that can go wrong, which could cause the stock to plummet. Remember, the name of the game is preservation of capital. You can always repurchase the stock once the coast is clear.

A company may report below analyst estimates, or the whisper number (earnings that the company is rumored to report, often leaked by an insider). There are times when a company will beat the analyst estimate, but not the whisper number and sell off.

They may release negative news about the company, the industry, or reveal a less than optimistic outlook for the future.

"Buy the rumor, sell the news". Often times a stock will rise ahead of expected good earnings, only to sell off once the great earnings are released. "

Part II: Profiting from the Advanced Energy Initiative – A Look At Clean Coal, Nuclear Power Utilities & Uranium Miners

Several days ago before the State of the Union address, I wrote up an article about profiting from the increasing importance that government has placed on advancing new energy initiatives to ween ourselves of dependence on foreign oil.  The report began generally by taking a look at thePowerShares Clean Energy Fund (PBW ) and ended specifically with profit opportunities from changing the way we fuel our vehicles through the use of hybrids (tickers:HMC, TM, UQM, ALTI), ethanol (tickers: ANDE, PEIX, VSE, MGPI) and fuel cells (an industry I just can’t recommend investing in at this point). 

 Today’s report focuses on the second half of the Advanced Energy Initiative which discusses ways we’ll change the way we power our homes and business.  The first part of the AEI describes ways we’ll begin reducing our dependence on foreign oil by changing transportation fuel sources, while the second part really focuses on decreasing our dependence on natural gas.  Since natural gas is primarily produced in the US and Canada this is less of a security issue but rather an issue of scarcity, the volatility of natural gas prices and how that affects our economy.  Essentially, the goal is to rely less on natural gas to power our homes and businesses to ensure the availability of affordable electricity and ample natural gas.  It’s assumed that by doing so, prices drop and US firms will be more competitive in the global market keeping more jobs here at home.  The Advanced Energy Initiative mentions that according to the National Association of Manufacturers, the chemicals and plastics industries, which rely on natural gas both for energy and as a raw material, have lost 250,000 jobs and $65 billion in business due to the rise in natural gas.  

The 3 main goals of the AEI as it relates to natural gas reduction (and where we’ll look to profit) are:

 1.  Add $2 billion to clean coal technology research and bring to marketplace

2.  Eliminate proliferation of risks and expand the promise of clean, reliable and affordable nuclear energy

3.  Reduce the cost of solar photovoltaic technologies so that they become cost competitive by 2015 and expand access to wind energy

 Clean Coal

According to the AEI report, the US holds more than one quarter of the world’s coal reserves and the energy content of this reserve exceeds that of the world’s known recoverable oil.  The difficult part is eliminating the pollution produced by coal so that we can tap into this resource on a greater scale without further damaging the environment.  The problem is even greater in developing countries China and India which generate 2/3 of their electricity from dirty coal, resulting in the most polluted cities in the world.   Of course there is much debate about the whether clean coal can be achieved at all and I could dedicate an entire blog to this subject, but this is an investing blog so I’ll focus on those companies attempting to reduce/eliminate coal pollution.

The process of reducing coal pollutants is called CO2 capture/storage (CCS) or geological carbon sequestering and involves separating the CO2 as it’s created and pumping it underground to be stored.  One initiative from the government and a group of coal producers andutilities is FutureGen, a proposed zero emissions power plant that uses a technology called Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) that boasts drastically reduced sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx ) and mercury emissions as well as sequester the greenhouse gases (CO2).  It all sounds good on paper, but there is great concern that it’s more of a PR stunt for these polluting companies rather than a sustained solution with great impact.  Clean coal is largely considered a stopgap measure, rather than a lasting one to solve our energy needs with little environmental destruction.

As far as investing in this arena, there are limited choices.  Of course there are the coal producers themselves which stand to benefit from an increased use of coal – Penn Virginia Resources (PVR), Massey Energy (MEE), Peabody Energy (BTU) and Arch Coal (ACI), but socially conscious investors may be more comfortable and find greater profit in a small but fast growing company that provides the technology to significantly reduce coal plant emissions.  The company is Fuel Tech (FTEK) and they provide the technology to help reduce the nitrogen oxide by as much as 30 – 70% not only in coal plants but other manufacturing plants as well.  One big factor pushing up its stock price recently is news that the company is making inroads into China which is concerned about pollution ahead of the 2008Bejing Olympic Games.



*Interested in more on this subject?*

Unmasking the Truth Behind Clean Coal
Clean Coal Technologies White Sheet US Dept of Energy – Clean Coal
How It Works – Clean Coal Technology
The False Promise of Clean Coal
Clean Coal Multimedia Presentation
Alternative Energy Blog – Coal

The Energy Blog – Hydrogen From Coal Technologies

Expanding Nuclear Capacity

Whereas coal currently provides half of the electricity we use to power our homes and business, nuclear power currently makes up a much smaller percentage and provides just 20% of the electricity we use.  Many feel that nuclear energy is a much better alternative to coal or natural gas to fuel our energy needs because it’s much cleaner, the plants are cheaper to operate (1.72 cents/kilowatt-hour compared to 2.21 for coal, 7.5 for gas and 8.09 for oil) and the electricity costs that result are lower and more stable.  The big negative with this type of energy is the up front cost to build the plant and the risk associated with spent nuclear fuel, making it too much of a financial risk for companies to build new plants.

Consider these stats from a recent Kiplingers article:

  • the amount of electricity the US uses is expected to increase 50% in the next 25 years – on a global scale, the increase is expected to be more profound as emerging economies use moreTVs, radios, computers and air conditioners.
  • the London based World Energy Council says that meeting new demand for electricity while reducing the current level of emissions will require tripling the world’s nuclear plant capacity by 2050.

Also pointed out in the article is the lack of investment opportunities in the nuclear space since most companies rapidly building nuclear facilities are foreign companies or privately held.  General Electric is a play, but their nuclear business represents just 10% of its annual revenues.

Where does that take us?  To existing utilities with an existing sizable inventory of nuclear plants as well as the uranium mining companies.  The reasons are fairly straight forward as the article points out – in addition to huge start up costs there are years of regulatory hurdles to clear, so companies with existing nuclear facilities have a huge leg up.  On the mining end of things uranium prices have skyrocketed recently and over the long haul should continue this trend.

The big gorilla of nuclear utility plays is Excelon (EXC) with the largest exposure to nuclear power facilities.  You’re probably never going to make a fortune with this company, but just as it has over the past several years, it’s probably just going to keep going up at a steady pace over the long haul.  Not to mention it pays a dividend of about 2.75%

Number two in the space is Entergy (ETR) which  also  has done nothing but go up over the last several years.  You see in the chart below that the stock broke out from a base back in July and has run up nearly 30% since.  It’s too extended for my liking at this point but if you can get it off the 50 day moving average, it might be a great time to add a small position.
Because of heavy regulation and cost to build new nuclear facilities in the US, there just aren’t many US players in the nuclear utility space. 

There are more investing options with the uranium miners and for this I’d like to refer you to two excellent articles on the uranium mining industry written by James Finch of StockInterview:  Why the US Needs a Nuclear Renaissance & In the Case of Uranium Stocks, Smaller May Be Better

The big gorilla of uranium miners is Cameco (CCJ) which has seen its stock price weighted down recently after flooding at Cigar Lake, a major mining facility.  If you’re looking for the biggest, least speculative play, the stock may soon off a decent entry point.  A quick technical analysis of the chart indicates it will probably spend more time going sideways and possibly even retest the November lows around 31.  If it hits that level, I’m backing up the truck for the long haul.  From a technical standpoint, Energy Metals (USU) and USEC (USU) currently offer the best profit potential over the next several weeks.  Others to consider are Fronteer Development (FRG) and Uranerz Energy (URZ)

If you’re willing to play the Toronto Stock Exchange, there are many more opportunities but depending on your broker, you’ll most likely pay much higher commission fees.  Another thought would be to play theETF’s of the two big mining economies – Canada and Australia, but both the Ishares Canada (EWC) and Ishares Australia (EWA ) are concentrated in financials.  Although uranium mining is currently a small chunk of their business now, big Australian minerBHP Billiton (BHP ) should generate a larger portion of their revenue from uranium mining in the next few years as India, China and Russia continue to move towards cleaner energy solutions.  An interesting fact: Australia doesn’t currently use an nuclear power of its own!

*Additional Articles and Resources related to nuclear utilities and uranium mining *

How Stuff Works – Nuclear Power (article)
9 Ways to Play the Nuclear Power Surge (article)
America Warms Up to Nuclear Power (article)
Uranium Stocks Blog
Uranium Miner (website)
Uranium Miners Join Forces (news)
China Going to the Moon  (news)
Environmentalists Long on Concerns, Short on Solutions (article)
Japan Nuclear Power Steams Ahead (news)
South Africa Secure Uranium for Nuclear Energy (news)
Perspectives on Uranium Part I (recommended reading)
Perspectives on Uranium Part II (recommended reading)
China Says Global Warming in Hands of Richer Nations (news)
3 Australian Uranium Miners You Should Know (blog)

Coming Next Week: A Look At the Solar & Wind Industries

Next week, I’ll conclude my series of articles on investing in alternative energies with Part III, taking a look at the solar and wind industries.  In my research so far, the general consensus is that solar and wind are a few years off from making significant contributions to our power needs and in the mean time we’ll need to continue using "dirtier" solutions of coal, natural gas and nuclear solutions. 

Searching for Multiple Stocks


Is it – or could it be – possible to do a search on more than one stock in the breakout tracker?  I often have several (OK, many) stocks that I want to check on and I have to punch in their tickers one by one.  I would like to input all of them in to the search box instead of only one at a t ime. 

My Response:

I’m sure this is possible – appreciate your suggestion.. its  a good one and I will add this to to my list of things to do.

UPDATE: it’s been added and will be available soon when the new site is released.

ETF, IPO & Breakout Stocks Analysis, Tracking & Research