Invites to Joost Available – Internet and TV Merge

If anyone is interested I just received 5 invitations for beta testing over at Joost, a company founded by the same tech pioneers that brought us Skype and Kazaa.  Think TV meets social networking.  I’ve had a chance to do a little testing of my own and my initial reaction is – very impressive.  Joost has signed up a few big name content providers such as MTV, Warner Bros and the Comedy Channel but in this early stage, the amount of good content is lacking.  What impressed me most is the quality and layout.  There is surprisingly little pixelation at full screen (using my comcast broadband connection).  While watching Joost TV and playing with some of the interactive features such as live chat, text messaging, ratings, etc. you can’t help get excited about the future possibilities as television melds with the internet.  Imagine sports fans from rival teams talking trash while watching the action.  There’s no word yet on when the

service is expected to be available to the public.  One big gripe – they make it incredibily difficult to get rid of the video screen!  Maybe I’m missing something but I’m fairly computer savvy and the only way I’ve figured out how to close the screen is the CTRL-ALT-DLT.  That’s one way to control the desktop.  How about a close screen button?  Anyway, If you want to check out the beta testing go ahead and send me first and last name and email address to [edited: sorry i’m all out] and I’ll get you an account.

Soon, India Will Offer Buy Opportunity – A Look at the India Fund (IFN)

I’m not posting the weekly report this week because I’ve been busy all weekend making final preparations for the launch of the new and the market didn’t do much of anything last week.  The bears appear to be having trouble exerting any kind of control as each attempt at a sell off was met with a barrage of buying to keep the market virtually unchanged.  Soon, something will have to give.  The longer the bulls can keep bears in check, the greater the chance the market has of testing those old highs.  Although I’m still a bit biased on the bearish side and think that the market will test the previous  lows of the correction sooner rather than later.  In lieu of the weekly market report I thought I’d post a little analysis on the India closed funds, specifically the India Fund (IFN).

It’s been almost one year since the India stock market crash so I thought it would be a great time to take a look and see what the technical picture looks like.  Before I do though, it’s a good idea to take a look how the current stock price relates to the Net Asset Value (NAV).  With no mechanism in place to keep closed end funds from trading at significant discounts or premiums to their net asset value (NAV), these funds can get way overpriced as was the case with the India Fund (IFN) before the May crash.  Let’s have a look.  The following charts are provided by

You can see the India Fund (IFN) traded at a huge premium to its net asset value before crashing.  It was trading at the greatest premium in its history.  Just in the past few weeks the fund has finally come into line and is trading close to the net asset value (actually it’s begun trading at a slight discount).  The second image just provides another visual look at the discrepancy. 

With closed end funds it’s important to know if it’s trading at a discount or premium to the underlying net asset value, but it’s also important to keep in mind that a closed end fund can trade at discounts or premiums for quite awhile.  In order to get a clearer picture of future price movement I refer to the charts and a bit of technical analysis. 

In the weekly chart of the India Fund (IFN) below, there are some key characteristics that can provide a decent prediction of where its going over the next several weeks.  For one, notice the possibility that the stock will go on to form a large double bottom base (which resembles a W).  Stocks or funds that stage severe corrections will often go on to form these patterns during their correction.  Knife catchers, bottom feeders and short covering lead to a weak, convictionless bounce off the bottom that ultimately loses steam.  In the second leg down (which is where we’re at now), the selling loses intensity indicating sellers are beginning to give way to buyers.  Notice the amount of sell volume was about twice as heavy during the initial crash then it is now during this second leg down?  What needs to happen is that we need to test the lows of the correction or possibly undercut those lows to shake out the last of the weak hands.  So a drop to around 35 or so.  Only then, will the last of the sellers be exhausted and a new round of enthusiastic buying can begin.  It’s not time to be buying India just yet, but in a few weeks it may offer a great opportunity to once again get into one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

Oil, Bernanke, Economic Data Temper Enthusiasm; Stock Pick – Houston Wireless & Cable (HWCC)

Apologies for getting the report out so late tonight.  IE7 froze (surprise, surprise) and half the report wasn’t saved.  Is it just me or do others find themselves using Fire Fox almost exclusively?    I know I won’t ever write a web based report in IE again! Note to Microsoft: if you’re going to release a browser prone to freezing at least  provide a built in auto save feature! Enough of my rant…

::: Today’s Market Action :::

It’s becoming a common expectation that when Bernanke speaks, the market rises.  It’s also a common expectation that the market punishes the masses.  Although I wouldn’t call today a punishing, the market sold off hard enough to set up some kind of retracement of the rally we saw last week.  Bernanke, while positive on the overall economy and not yet overly concerned about the subprime market, did issue a reminder that inflation was still a concern and implied that the markets’ reaction following the recent Fed rate decision may have been a bit too optimistic. 

From a technical standpoint, volume levels came in higher than in past days, but it wasn’t above average.  I’d call it a healthy consolidation of recent gains.  At this point, we can’t rule out a possible under cutting of the previous lows to test the 200 day moving averages (which would look something like a W double bottom base).  A couple more days like today and I’d be dipping my toes into the "long" end of the pool.  For now, I remain confortable with a portfolio biased to the short side with a significant amount of cash on the sidelines waiting for the right opportunities.

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day March 28th 2007

Nasdaq: DOWN .83% today with volume 1% BELOW  average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) DOWN 1.07%, volume 8% ABOVE average
Dow:DOWN .78%, volume 1% BELOW  the average
Dow ETF (DIA):DOWN .72%, volume 46% ABOVE the average
S&P ETF (SPY): DOWN .73%, volume 59% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): DOWN .60%, volume 15% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  Leading stocks performed about in line with the rest of the market today .. selling but with light volume.


* Decliners led Advancers 298 to 115.
* Advancers were up an average of .95% today, with volume 3% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 1.38% with volume 11% BELOW average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was DOWN .72% today with volume 4% BELOW  the average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for guaging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Utilities, Energy, Software, Commodities
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Biotech, Home Builders, Internet Infrastructure

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Oil & Gold

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
Biotech, Home Builders, Internet Infrastructure, Agriculture

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  Today’s stock is Houston Wireless and Cable (HWCC)

ABOUT:  Houston Wire & Cable Company (HWC), formerly known as HWC Holding Corporation, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, HWC Wire & Cable Company, Advantage Wire & Cable and Cable Management Services Inc., distributes specialty electrical wire and cable to the United States electrical distribution market through 11 locations in 10 states throughout the United States. The Company offers products in most categories of specialty wire and cable, including continuous and interlocked armor cable; control and power cable; electronic wire and cable; flexible and portable cords; instrumentation and thermocouple cable; lead and high temperature cable; medium voltage cable, and premise and category wire and cable. HWC also offers private branded products, including its LifeGuard low-smoke, zero-halogen cable. On March 23, 2006, the Company changed its name to Houston Wire & Cable Company and its operating subsidiary, Houston Wire & Cable Company, changed its name to HWC Wire & Cable Company.

FUNDAMENTALS:  With tremendous earnings growth (.01/share in ’03, .23 in ’04, .60 in ’05 and 1.47 last year), it’s easy to be impressed with Houston Wireless.   Throw in large management ownership (50%), many new institutions initiating positions, ROE off the charts and it has all the characteristics of a big time winner.  If there are a couple minor negatives, it’s the net margin which is " just" a respectable 10% and earnings growth estimates for ’07 which is expected to slow considerably over last year.  Not too surprising after the torrid growth of the past few years.

TECHNICAL:  Technically, the quality doesn’t deviate.  After breaking out of a base in mid February, the stock has been bouncing along the 50 day moving average and ultimately carving out what is now a bullish triangle pattern that it looks ready to emerge from with gusto.

SELFINVESTORS RATING: With a total score of 52/60 (27/30 for fundamentals, 25/30 for technical), HWCC is currently one of the highest rated breakout stocks that I track.

Full Disclosure/Disclaimer: The stock of the day is by no means a buy recommendation.  Please do your own research and make a personal decision based on your own tolerance for risk.  I currently do not own a position in Houston Wireless & Cable (HWCC)

5 ETF’s to Watch & Stock Market Wisdom From the Yahoo Message Boards

Tom Dyson of ETF Trends offered up a few ETFs that could lead the way as soon as this market (I’m hesitant to call it a correction) is done running its course. 

1) iShares Netherlands (EWN)
"The country has stable relations, moderate unemployment and is an important European transportation hub"

2) Ishares South Africa (EZA)
"The country has recorded its first ever economic surplus, and with gold on the rebound this ETF looks promising"

3) Ishares Latin America (ILF)
"Despite the expansion of Chavez’s powers throughout Venezuela and Ecuador, investor confidence need not be swayed away from Latin America"

4) WisdomTree International Financial (DRF)

5) ProShares Ultra QQQ (QLD)
"The aggressive long strategy does impose some intense risk, but when short-term trades are implemented, results can be rewarding"

See Tom’s full article Five ETFs To Watch As the Stock Market Rebounds


A few days ago DailyWealth gleaned some words of wisdom from the message booards.  I personally find the message boards to be just transcripts of a financial version of the Jerry Springer show, but it’s often a good place to learn what NOT to do as Tom points out.  This article is reprinted with permission from Daily Wealth.

Unlikely Wisdom from the Message Boards
By Tom Dyson

New Century Financial (NEW) is an American subprime mortgage lender. It lends money to high-risk borrowers… first-time buyers… low-income families… and folks with bad credit histories.

Unfortunately, New Century has been careless about whom it lent money. And it didn’t worry about the true value of the houses it lent money against. It was an easy mistake to make. The American housing market was booming, the economy was strong, and New Century was minting money with each new loan origination.

Late last year, the ball unraveled. The housing market started falling and many of New Century’s debtors decided they couldn’t make their mortgage payments.

In the last six weeks, New Century Financial’s share price has fallen from $30 to $3. Yesterday, trading was halted on the NYSE, pending more news. In other words, it’s about to go bankrupt.

I spent the weekend surfing the Yahoo! Message boards for New Century Financial. I always find the message board for troubled companies to be a fantastic source of investment wisdom. Here are some examples:

"I’ve lost my entire life savings… $33,000… does anyone know a good lawyer. I’m suing these bastards. Some motherf**ker has to pay for this."

Lesson No. 1: I will never put all my eggs in one basket. No matter how certain an investment seems, there will always be unseen risks.

Lesson No. 2: The next time I lose money on an investment, I will blame myself. Blaming other people is a waste of emotional capital. And it doesn’t help me learn. Even in a fraud situation, it’s my fault. Fraud happens all the time. I ought to be aware of it. 

"The way I look at NEW is that when I bought at $5 I was getting it on a 90% off sale. If you went to the mall and saw a sign ‘90% OFF TODAY ONLY!’ would you run out of the mall screaming? I don’t think so."

Lesson No. 3: Value and price are not the same. New Century Financial has no value. In fact, given its huge debts, it’s probably worth negative-$10 billion. Even at $5 a share, it’s still massively overvalued. (It traded for $65 last year.)

On the other hand, I’m reminded of the story of Tom Barrack and the Fukuoka Dome stadium in Japan. Barrack invested when he noticed that the titanium in the retractable roof was worth more than the purchase price of the stadium. He knew he was buying value. He knew his downside was limited.

"I got in at high price when it crashed, but it was still too high. Then I got a lot more when it was $4.45 last week. So even down today, I am not losing much. $4.60 is a good bargain."

Lesson No. 4: Cut the losses. Even if a stock falls from $40 to $4, it can easily go to zero. By cutting your losses with a simple trailing stop, you never have to be in this situation again. Buying more on the way down is not a way to pick up a great bargain… it’s a way to magnify your losses.

I love the message boards. Most serious investors hate them. The trick is, don’t take them seriously and you just might learn something…

Don’t Chase The Market Chop; Energy Stocks Continue to Heat Up

Last week was supposed to provide more of an indication of how steep the correction would be, but all we have now is more uncertainty… both from a technical and fundamental perspective.  Fundamentally, we’re once again going to play the ‘goldilocks’ game where the market will applaud data that is seen as good, but too good.. a bit weak, not too weak.  The market fears the dreaded interest rate hike and cheers any indication from the Fed that rates will not rise any time soon, despite underlying concern.  In my opinion, the big move up after the Fed announcement was temporary jubilee over a less hawkish stance from the Fed which fueled a round of short covering.  The important thing to consider is that massive sell offs (like what we saw on February 27th) aren’t aberrations and do forecast trouble ahead.  While the potential is there for the market to retest its highs, the V shaped bounce we’ve seen is not sustainable.  From a trading perspective I’m not looking get increasingly short unless we  see another day or two of low volume buying.  On the flip side, if last week’s move is retraced with light volume selling I’ll probably look to add a few swing trades for quick profit on the long side.  It just continues to be a very difficult market to read right now with a high degree of volatility.  If you’re not a short term trader, I’ll suggest again you step aside and let this correction play itself out for a couple more weeks.

::: Model Portfolio Update :::

Staying primarily short and in cash obviously didn’t prove to be a profitable strategy during the week, but I made the decision not to play the potential for a bounce after the key reversal on March 14th and remain with the positions I had.  As a result the portfolio was off .6% for the week, dropping the YTD gain to 5.9%.  Just one transaction was made during the week.  I dumped my long position in CYBS for a small loss of 6%.  The stock was submerged below support of the 50 day moving average and sell volume was overshadowing buy volume.  At this point my strategy is to remain somewhat stationary until the market can provide a few more clues as to the severity of this correction.  If we get a few days of light volume selling, I’ll be tempted to initiate a long or two to get the portfolio more balanced.

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Oil & Gas Drilling & Exploration: 8.15%
2. Industrial Metals & Minerals: 6.90%
3. Independent Oil & Gas: 6.85%
4. Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing: 6.55%
5. Long Distance Carrier: 6.40%
6. Steel & Iron: 6.20%
7. Trucking:  6.15%
8. Nonmetallic Mineral & Mining: 6.05%
9. Metal Fabrication: 6.00%
10. Major Integrated Oil & Gas: 5.90%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. CATV Systems: -5.10%
2. Printed Circuit Boards: -3.85%
3. Drug Stores: -1.90%
4. Processing Systems & Products: -1.35%
5. Tobacco Products – Other: -.20%
6. Semiconductor – Broadline: .30%
7. Marketing Services: .65%
8. Copper: .70%
9. Toy & Hobby Stores: .90%
10. Cigarettes: .90%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –
1. India Fund (IFN)  9.70%
2. Central Europe & Russia Fund (CEE) 9.05%
3. Morgan Stanley India (IIF) 9.00%
4. Turkish Invest Fund (TKF) 9.00%
5. Ishares South Africa (EZA) 8.85%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Templeton Dragon Fund (TDF)  -1.80%
2. HLDRS Broadband (BDH) -1.70%
3. Ishares Silver (SLV) .20%
4. Central Fund of Canada (CEF) .55%
5. Ishares Networking (IGN) .75%

:::  IPO’s Worth Watching for This Week :::

1.  Super Micro Computer (SMCI): designer of application-optimized, high-performance server products that are based on modular and open-standard x86 architecture.  Super Micro is a rapidly growing and profitable company.  Trading set to start on Thursday.

2.  eTelecare Global Solutions (ETEL):  based in Quezon City, the Philippines, is a provider of business process outsourcing, or BPO, services. The company offers services, such as technical support, financial advisory services, warranty support, customer service, sales, customer retention and marketing surveys, and research. Among the company’s clients are American Express Co., AOL, Cingular Wireless, Dell, Intuit, Sprint Nextel, and Vonage Holdings. Trading set to start on Wednesday.

3. GSI Technology (GSIT): provider of "very fast" static random access memory products used in high-performance networking and telecommunications equipment, such as routers, switches, wide area network infrastructure equipment, wireless base stations, and network access equipment.  Trading set to start on Thursday.

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (3/26/2007- 3/30/2007) :::

Monday:        New Home Sales
Tuesday:       Consumer Confidence
Wednesday:  Durable Orders, Crude Inventories
Thursday:      Initial Claims, GDP Final
Friday:           Personal Income

::: Notable Upcoming Earnings Reports I’ll Be Watching This Week :::

No Notable Earnings for This Week

::: Latest Blog Entries – In Case You Missed Them! :::

– SelfInvestors Blog –

1. After Market Report – Buyers Lack Conviction; Energy Looking Good

2. How Quickly Bears Turn Into Bulls; Stock of the Day – Zumiez (ZUMZ)

Once Again, Fed (Bernanke) Fuel Market; Zumiez (ZUMZ) #1 Teen Retailer

::: Today’s Market Action :::

So the Fed removed "additional firming" in its statement today and traders felt that was enough to put the possibility of a rate hike a bit further on the back burner.  Considering that the Fed still remains concerned about inflation I was surprised by today’s big move up (undoubtedly fueled by short covering).   There’s some chatter out there that the correction is over and bulls are set to run again.  Moves like this can create that kind of irrational euphoria.  While this move sets up the potential for a run to fill the gap in the Nasdaq and "potentially" test the highs in the S&P and Dow, I strongly disagree that the indices are going to clear V like bases and head to new highs anytime soon.  There is significant technical damage to work through yet.  Obviously, my bias to the short side hasn’t played out well over the past couple days, but I’m not about to panic here and abandon my positions.  Remember that the knee jerk reaction to the Fed can often be thrown out the window.  What’s important is how the market reacts tomorrow and Friday once traders have had time to analyze the statement and make decisions about their positions.

In the chart of the Nasdaq below you can see today’s surge above resistance of the 50 day moving average.  It may have enough momentum to fill the gap left by the big sell off on Feb 27th, but I don’t think it gets that far.  Following the key reversal, the move up has come with volume considerably less than during the sell off.  I still feel that at some point the Nasdaq will at least come close to testing the lows of that reversal day and possibly the 200 day moving average before it’s all said and done.  Look for a continuation of the momentum tomorrow morning, but the key will be how we close tomorrow. 

The S&P is the strongest of the major indices and made a meaningful move above resistance of the 50 day moving average today.  While much of today’s move was likely short covering, volume levels were significant enough to call the action an accumulation day (institutional buying).  That’s a real sharp move off the bottom but the next level of resistance is at previous February highs.  It could test this level.  Keep the big picture in mind though – sell volume overshadows buy volume by a significant margin.

The Dow did not clear resistance of the 50 day moving average today.  It too could run up a bit more, but the underlying trend still remains bearish.  Before today’s move, the buy volume has been anemic. 

Overall, based on the technical action of the past few weeks, it’s highly possible that the key reversal on March 14th marked a bottom (or close to) for this correction.  What I want to see now before getting into a few more long positions is sell volume dry up on a pull back following this 6 day run.  If the market  runs up again tomorrow and the volume isn’t there, it would be an ideal time to put on another short or two. 

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day March 21st 2007

Nasdaq: UP 1.98% today with volume 9% ABOVE  average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) UP 1.93%, volume 31% ABOVE average
Dow: UP 1.30%, volume 12% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): UP 1.20%, volume 2% ABOVE the average
S&P ETF (SPY): UP 1.65%, volume 69% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): UP  1.90%, volume 30% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  Leading stocks performed about in line with the rest of the market today but volume continues to lag in the advancers.


* Advancers led Decliners 389 to 44.
* Advancers were up an average of 2.27% today, with volume 3% BELOW average
* Decliners were down an average of 1.38% with volume 73% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was UP  1.90% today with volume 4% ABOVE the average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for gauging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Utilities, Bonds, Consumer Services, Energy

* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Biotech, Home Builders, Agriculture

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Home Builders, Broker/Dealers, Software, Financial, Internet

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  Today’s stock is a top retailer that recently gapped up out of a long base to a new all time high – Zumiez (ZUMZ)

ABOUT:  Zumiez Inc. (Zumiez) is a mall-based specialty retailer of action sports-related apparel, footwear, equipment and accessories operating under the Zumiez brand name. As of January 28, 2006, the Company operated 174 stores primarily located in shopping malls, giving it a presence in 19 states. Zumiez stores cater to young men and women between the ages of 12 and 24 who seek brands representing a lifestyle centered on activities that include skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, bicycle motocross and motocross. It supports the action sports lifestyle and promotes its brand through a multi-faceted marketing approach that is designed to integrate its brand image with its customers’ activities and interests. In addition, Zumiez operates a Website, which sells merchandize online and provides content and a community for its target customers.

FUNDAMENTALS:  Zumiez is a company that for years remained stagnant, but now is the fastest growing teen retailer around.  Capitalizing on snowboard and skateboard apparel, it really began to ramp up growth in the middle of 2005 and hasn’t looked back.  Year over year earnings have increased about 55% over the past couple years and while expected to slow a bit, earnings are expected (according to analysts) to remain strong at around 30 – 35% over the next couple years.  Its profit margins are just average for its industry, but ROE is outstanding (23%) and continues to rise indicating strong management. 

TECHNICAL:  Technically, the stock recently cleared a new all time high after gapping up out of a long base.  It doesn’t get any more bullish than that!  Volume levels over the past few months indicate  tremendous demand for the stock.   With no overhead resistance in sight, the sky is the limit for Zumiez.  If there is one negative in the chart, it’s the magnitude of the decline in the base, dropping from a high of 38.85 to a low of 20 (nearly a 50% drop).  Typically, you don’t want the base to be deeper than about a 35% correction.  What this probably means is that the stock will need to spend some time going sideways from here.  It’s a bit extended now, but may offer a great opportunity on a retest of the 50 day moving average.

SELFINVESTORS RATING: With a total score of 52/60 (27/30 for fundamentals, 25/30 for technical), ZUMZ is a high quality break out  stock.

Full Disclosure/Disclaimer: The stock of the day is by no means a buy recommendation.  Please do your own research and make a personal decision based on your own tolerance for risk.  I currently do not own a position in Zumiez (ZUMZ)

Buyers Lacking Conviction; Energy Stocks Emerging

::: Today’s Market Action :::

Merger activity was a major catalyst in propelling the market higher at the end of ’06 and into ’07 and that was the case today as well.  On the surface (looking at price performance alone) it appeared to be a big day for the bulls and may have even lured in a few unsuspecting traders, thinking that the correction might be over.  One look at the volume, however, indicated there was absolutely no conviction on the part of buyers today.  Most traders are clearly waiting for tomorrow’s housing data, the Fed decision on Wednesday and are wary of current market conditions.  While technical conditions have improved some since the massive sell off on Feb 27th, it still remains a risky proposition to get aggressive on the long side.  A day or two more like we had today and I’ll be tempted to add a few more shorts.

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day March 19th 2007

Nasdaq: UP .92% today with volume 16% BELOW  average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) UP 1.03%, volume 28% BELOW average
Dow: UP .90%, volume 15% BELOW the average
Dow ETF (DIA): UP 1.02%, volume 29% BELOW the average
S&P ETF (SPY): UP 1.21%, volume 6% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): UP  1.13%, volume 5% BELOW the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  Leading stocks did well today, beating the performance of all major indices with volume a bit above average.  However, volume in stocks that were down today was significantly higher than up stocks.


* Advancers led Decliners 353 to 80.
* Advancers were up an average of 1.93% today, with volume 8% BELOW average
* Decliners were down an average of 1.42% with volume 66% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was UP  1.31% today with volume 5% ABOVE  the average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for guaging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Utilities, Bonds, Energy
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Biotech, Internet Infrastructure, Home Builders, Agriculture

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Oil & Gas Services, Energy, Biotech, Software, Gold, Health Care

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation. 

Sorry, no interesting candidates for Stock of the Day today.  Vimpel Communications (VIP) made a nice move today and looks interesting but it’s a short base and needs to go sideways for a bit before I’ll get interested.

Market Technicals Improve; Housing Data & Fed Decision Loom

With the exception of Wednesday’s high volume reversal, the market played out fairly predictably from a technical standpoint.  The dead cat bounce gave way to significant selling, albeit short lived as buyers and short covering lent some support in the short term.  I’m always looking for clues into the psychology of traders.  It’s the only way we can make a reasonable estimate of future price performance.  At this point, it’s reasonable to assume that traders are still seeing significant dips as buying opportunities rather than a reason to continue to head for exits.  For this reason, despite this dip, the tone of the market continues to feel a bit on the bullish side in my opinion.  Take for example the reaction to a significant rise in inflation.  Considering that the PPI was well ahead of expectations and food prices have spiked higher, extinguishing hopes of a rate cut, the selling was moderate on Thursday and Friday.  We certainly can’t ignore the magnitude of the market plunge on Feb 27th, but perhaps this correction won’t be as severe as that sell off first indicated.  I’m still looking for the major indices to touch their 200 day moving averages before it’s all said and done.  Even then, it would be considered a healthy move, clearing the excesses for a sustainable move up for the rest of the year.  Let’s see what kind of clues the market reveals to us next week.  The housing numbers on Tuesday and Friday will be important.. probably more so then the Fed rate decision on Monday which by all predictions will remain unchanged.

::: Model Portfolio Update :::

With Wednesday’s key reversal I scaled back on my Nasdaq Ultra Short (QID) hedge position and covered a short in Charlotte Russe (CHIC) for a 12% gain, but with 3 new short plays added and a 15% hedge in QID remaining, the portfolio remains a short dominated one.  However, that may change soon depending on the action of this week.  The reversal Wednesday may have indicated that this correction won’t be as severe as once thought so I’d like to get to a more neutral position over the next week or two.  It’s possible I’ll add another long trade or two to get there. 

On the long side, my last QSP trade currently in the portfolio was closed out for a decent gain of 9%.  The stock continued to look bullish, but after Tuesday’s distribution I was unwilling to take on the risk of letting a gain slip away.  Overall, the portfolio dipped a bit last week, off .5% for a YTD gain of 6.5%… still well ahead of the S&P500 performance of -2.2%.  Current allocation is 23% long, 40% short and 27% cash.

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Manufactured Housing: 6.30%
2. Tobacco Products: 4.80%
3. Internet Service Providers: 4.80%
4. Industrial Equip & Components: 3.15%
5. REIT – Hotel/Motel: 2.20%
6. Grocery Stores: 2.05%
7. Information & Delivery Services:  2.00%
8. Wholesale Other: 2.00%
9. Food – Major Diversified: 1.75%
10. Personal Computers: 1.65%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Technical Services: -15.40%
2. Recreational Goods – Other: -6.55%
3. Residential Construction: -5.60%
4. Small Tools & Accessories: -4.35%
5. Home Improvement Stores: -3.65%
6. Auto Dealerships: -3.45%
7. Drug Related Products: -3.35%
8. Lodging: -3.10%
9. Building Materials – Wholesale: -3.05%
10. Investment Brokerage – National: -3.05%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –
1. HLDRS Broadband (BDH)  3.15%
2. Herzfeld Caribbean Basin (CUBA) 2.50%
3. Ishares Australia (EWA) 2.45%
4. Ishares Silver (SLV) 1.85%
5. Central Fund of Canada (CEF) 1.65%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Turkish Investment Fund (TKF)  -4.70%
2. Morgan Stanley India (IIF) -4.60%
3. India Fund (IFN) -3.80%
4. SPDR Home Builders (XHB) -3.65%
5. US Oil (USO) -3.35%

:::  IPO’s Worth Watching for This Week :::

No IPO’s on my radar this week.

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (3/19/2007- 3/23/2007) :::

Monday:        None
Tuesday:       Housing Starts, Building Permits
Wednesday:  Fed Rate Decision, Crude Inventories
Thursday:      Initial Claims, Leading Indicators
Friday:            Existing Home Sales

::: Notable Upcoming Earnings Reports I’ll Be Watching This Week :::

Monday:  PetroChina (PTR)
Tuesday: Factet Research Systems (FDS), Oracle (ORCL),
Wednesday: China Mobile (CHL), Morgan Stanley (MS), CitiTrends (CTRN)
Thursday: None
Friday: None

::: Latest Blog Entries – In Case You Missed Them! :::

– SelfInvestors Blog –

1. Trust the Charts, Stay One Step Ahead; Stock of Day – Smith & Wesson (SWHC)

2. Key Reversal – Bulls Put Up a Fight

Tracking Upgrades and Downgrades


What source do you use for upgrades and downgrades.. or do you even mess with it?

My Response:

Upgrades and Downgrades are useful to know before the market opens.  Often times valuation downgrades can occur after a stock has run up significantly and act as a "sale" allowing you to get in to the position if you missed the break out.  However, it can be tricky to get in at the right time on valuation downgrades.  The very best stocks may bounce immediately after gapping down at the open, while others may continue selling for several days.  It does require quite a bit of experience in chart reading, specifically with the intraday charts.  On the opposite side, an upgrade can provide the catalyst the stock needs to break out from a base.

A paid service I have really liked is which is about $25/month.  They provide near real time alerts on upgrades/downgrades, analyst earnings comments, rumors, etc.  Real Time Traders provides a good free list of upgrades and downgrades at

ETF, IPO & Breakout Stocks Analysis, Tracking & Research