Expert Insight Into the Oil/Gas Engineering Industry

Today I’m pleased to bring you a report on the oil/gas engineering industry written from the perspective of someone who has more than 40 years of experience working for major oil corporations as well as smaller companies all across the globe.  Robert Williams has extensive petroleum, water and electrical industries experience regarding Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Management Information Systems (MIS/IT), Distributed Control Systems fire & gas/emergency shutdown systems, instrumentation, metering, communications, security/CCTV and electrical engineering on such major projects as Shell Bonga FPSO, Saudi Strategic Storage Project, Libyan Water Pipeline, Trans Alaska crude oil pipeline, Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, Occidental Piper B and Saltire offshore platforms and many other worldwide projects. 

Oil & Gas Industry Perspective Part I
by Robert Williams, PhD, P.E.

This is the inauguration issue of the Oil & Gas Industry Perspective published with the express purpose of keeping you abreast of industry trends and developments and to potentially identify investment opportunities. Industry sectors involved are the Integrated Companies, Services and Equipment Companies and Operations Companies. All these industry sector companies are involved with future developments capital expenditures either for exploration, production, distribution or for technological advancements. Not included in these Oil/Gas industry sectors is one industry which is highly involved with oil and gas developments. This industry is the engineering companies that are listed under engineering because many are also diversified into environmental, power, federal government, pharmaceuticals, nuclear and life sciences engineering projects.

Future Oil & Gas Industry Perspectives will address these sectors as well as major equipment and systems suppliers that specialize in these industries since they are also improving earnings due to the tremendous investments occurring in this industry. These future Industry Perspectives will have the express purpose of identifying potentially profitable investment opportunities.
The following summarizes some of the major engineering companies who are extensively involved in oil and gas engineering projects. These companies are identified as Engineering, Procurement and Construction or EPC. Their engineering projects are phased into Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and detailed engineering with follow on into field construction activities which include installation, startup and commissioning. Some of these engineering companies will also contract for operations and maintenance.
AMEC supply consultancy, engineering, and project management services to energy, power and process industries. AMEC have defined the following core businesses: Oil and Gas; Oil Sands; Minerals and Metals Mining; Nuclear; Industrial; Earth and Environmental; and Wind Energy. AMEC is an international organization but because they have acquired two US oil and gas engineering companies they are included in this summary. Stock is listed on the London exchange as AMEC.
CBI is an engineering, procurement and construction company specializing in projects for customers that produce, process, store and distribute natural resources. CBI is an integrated EPC service provider, providing conceptual design, engineering, procurement, fabrication, field erection, mechanical installation and commissioning. Projects include hydrocarbon processing plants, liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and peak shaving plants, offshore structures, pipelines, bulk liquid terminals, water storage and treatment facilities, and other steel structures and their associated systems.
FLR provides engineering, procurement, construction and maintenance services. Fluor serves a number of industries worldwide, including oil and gas, chemical and petrochemicals, life sciences, manufacturing, power, and transportation infrastructure. Fluor is also a primary service provider to the United States Federal Government. The Company is aligned into five principal operating segments: Oil and Gas, Industrial and Infrastructure, Government, Global Services and Power.
FWLT operates through two business groups, Global Engineering and Construction Group (E&C Group), and Global Power Group. The Global E&C Group designs, engineers and constructs onshore and offshore upstream oil and gas processing facilities, natural gas liquefaction facilities and receiving terminals, gas-to-liquids facilities, oil refining, and chemical and petrochemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare facilities and related infrastructure, including power generation and distribution facilities. Global Power Group designs, manufactures, and erects steam generating and auxiliary equipment for electric power generating stations and industrial facilities worldwide.
JEC provides engineering, design, architectural, and similar services; process, scientific, and systems consulting services; operations and maintenance services, and construction services, which include direct-hire construction and construction management services. JEC concentrates its services on selected industry groups and markets, including oil and gas exploration, production and refining; programs for various federal governments; pharmaceuticals and biotechnology; chemicals and polymers; buildings, which includes projects in the fields of healthcare and education, as well as civic, governmental and other buildings; infrastructure and technology and manufacturing.
KBR is a global engineering, construction and services company supporting the energy, petrochemicals, government services and civil infrastructure sectors. The Company operates in two segments: Energy and Chemicals (E&C) and Government and Infrastructure (G&I). The E&C segment designs and constructs energy and petrochemical projects, including large, technically complex projects in remote locations around the world. The G&I segment delivers on-demand support services across the full military mission cycle from contingency logistics and field support to operations and maintenance on military bases. KBR have been in the news recently because of their Iraqi involvement.
MDR is an engineering and construction company with specialty manufacturing and service capabilities. MII is the parent company of the McDermott group of companies, which includes J. Ray McDermott; McDermott Holdings, Inc.; McDermott Incorporated; The Babcock & Wilcox Companies; BWX Technologies, Inc. and Babcock & Wilcox Company. MDR is a worldwide energy services company operating in three business segments: Offshore Oil and Gas Construction, Government Operations and Power Generation Systems.
OII is a global oilfield provider of engineered services and products primarily to the offshore oil and gas industry, with a focus on deepwater applications. The Company also serves the defense and aerospace industries. The services and products the Company provides to the oil and gas industry include remotely operated vehicles, mobile offshore production systems, built-to-order specialty hardware, engineering and project management, subsea intervention services, nondestructive testing and inspection, and manned diving.
The Shaw Group Inc. (SGR)
SGR is a provider of services to the energy, chemical, and environmental and infrastructure industries, including consulting, engineering, construction, remediation and facilities management services to governmental and commercial customers. The Company operates through segments, which include Environmental and Infrastructure (E&I), Energy and Chemicals (E&C), Fabrication and Manufacturing (F&M), and Maintenance.
WG is an independent international contractor serving the oil, gas and power industries and government entities worldwide. Willbros operates its business in two segments: the United States and Canada and International. It provides engineering; construction; engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), and specialty services to industry and governmental entities worldwide, specializing in pipelines and associated facilities for onshore, coastal and offshore locations.
WG (UK) is an international energy services company. The Group three businesses are 1) Engineering & Production Facilities, 2) Well Support, and 3) Gas Turbine Services which provide a range of engineering, production support, maintenance management and industrial gas turbine overhaul and repair services to the oil & gas and power generation industries worldwide.

Industry Perspectives

1. All across the world major oil companies, Exxon, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron/Phillips, Marathon, etc. and Middle East national oil corporations, e.g. Kuwait are all in various degrees of revamping their existing refineries with the express purpose of increasing overall refining capacity, and where necessary, adding heavy crude oil refining capability.
 2. Major capital expenditure projects are financed by the continuously increasing crude oil prices. Current crude oil prices are sufficient to provide a return on investment and in most cases the necessary capital is already justified and committed to the refinery expansions. Refinery revamp projects are currently ongoing in California, Texas, Louisiana, Michigan and other states. Front End Design (FEED) and Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contracts have been placed with engineering contractors who have specialized skills to complete these projects.
3.  Specialized skills include positive experience on similar projects, project management capability, project control systems with competitive rates and qualified engineering, procurement and construction personnel.
 4. In 1982 there were 301 refineries in the USA but in 1992 there were only 199; 2002 only 153 and in 2007 the number of refineries was down to 149. Crude oil pricing went the opposite direction from $18.91 in 1990, to $23.17 (Jan, 2000); $28.00 (Jan, 2004); $35.16 (Jan, 2005); $55.12 (Jan, 2006); $54.63 (Jan, 2007); $94.44 (Nov, 2007), and January 2008 100 ++?? (Source: US Energy Information Administration) [Hyperlink to]
5.  Gasoline refining in the US has not kept up with demand with the shortfall being made up by imports with an estimated current import of 1 million barrels. A good size refinery is about 250,000 barrels per day of crude oil. 
6.  No new refineries have been built in the US for the past 25 years.
7.  Refined products consumption will continue to increase as will the political pressure for gasoline imports independence.
8.  During the 80’s and 90’s the oil/gas industry suffered a major downturn and no major projects were initiated to replace older equipment and technology. A result is the ongoing maintenance shutdowns for US refineries.
9.  Similarly, the major oil/gas companies and the EPC engineering contractors divested themselves of professionally qualified and experienced engineers of all disciplines. Newly assigned engineering projects are being partially staffed from returnee engineers, retired engineers and new graduate hires. A major experience gap exists in staffing these projects.
10.  During the industry downturn there was a trend toward lump sum contracting for global capital projects. This trend has now reversed back to the cost plus reimbursable projects.
11.  An EPC contractor does not make any major capital expenditures for the refinery revamp engineering projects since they only provide the necessary business requisites to supply experienced project managers and engineering personnel and supporting infrastructures, of buildings, computers, networks, etc.
12.  One EPC contractor outlines the backlog of engineering contracts of up to five years without any new contracts being granted. 
13.  Domestic refining capacity is expected to grow based on the current capital expenditure projects to revamp existing refineries but this will be offset by increasing consumption. Is this another refining industry overbuild? It may very well be but this will not become apparent for quite a few years until these refinery revamp project deliver the increased production capacity which could be utilized to reduce crude oil and petroleum products imports rather than flood the US market.
14.  In previous years capital investment was directed to lower carbon emissions and to meet low-sulfur regulations. These environmental investments do not expand capacity as the currently ongoing revamp projects will as they are also designed to increase heavy crude oil refining, i.e. Canadian tar sands.

US-Listed Companies – Annual Earnings Estimates

 The oil/gas engineering companies combined performance charts (see chart) positively indicates that profits are being made and that it is not too late to invest in these companies. All are indicating increasing earnings and the Insider Perspective is that from three to five years of backlog are recorded by these companies. Backlog means that they would be busy for three to five years to complete existing client-approved capital expenditure projects without consideration for any new projects being negotiated or bids under preparation. Please note that recent markets declines do affect these companies’ stock pricing but may very well provide excellent entry points depending on your market timing criteria. Weekly charts provide trend direction determination whereas daily or even 60-mintue charts provide guidance as to trade entry points.

In summary, the oil/gas engineering industry is currently investing on crude-oil dependence growth which is a fundamental sign for improved earnings and rising stock prices.

Disclaimer: No position is owned in any of the companies written about above.


October Highs Most Likely A Long Term Top

Most trading days don’t help us much to predict future price direction due to lack of price and volume movement.  Today was not one of those days.  Bears gritted their teeth today as institutions flushed positions en masse taking the S&P and Dow beyond key support levels.  In my weekend report I had mentioned that price action alone was somewhat bullish but that volume levels revealed a different story.  The best course of action was to wait it out and let the winner of the tug-o-war be revealed.

"The problem is that volume levels indicate these patterns are in danger of failing so the best course of action is to just wait with a significant portion of cash on the sidelines.  I’m going to let the patterns develop and give the market time to reveal just where it’s going.  With key support levels near by and some breakout resistance areas in place above, we need confirmation of a move one way or the other before getting more aggressive on either side.  The lines in the sand have been drawn.  Let the tug-o-war begin."

Today, the winner emerged with the bears victorious.  With the Fed about out of magic bullets to save the market, I believe at this point you have to have the mindset that the October highs are a long term top and that it will be several months AT LEAST before we see those levels again.  There will certainly be many highly profitable shorter term trades along the way, but to remain 100% invested with a "hold" strategy at this point in my opinion is a very big mistake.

Let’s turn to the charts.  Whenever the market makes a big move either way with key support or resistance levels being tested I like to take a step back and look at the bigger picture to help remove some of the emotion that can occur on a day like today.  So tonight, I take a look at the longer term weekly charts of the major indices.

Ok no problems in the Nasdaq yet with some decent support at 2700.  However, led by a Cisco plunge it could take a bit of a beating tomorrow.

Notice the Dow just barely taking out that steep upward trend.  Given today’s selling intensity with a close at near the absolute low, it’s safe to say that Dow 13000 is all but assured.  Maybe not tomorrow but very soon.  We may get a temporary bounce from that level but I think that ultimately we’re going to need to test those August levels.  It’s at this level where I may get more aggressive on the long side than I have been.

The S&P is right on that 50 day moving average of the weekly chart which has been a strong area of support in the past.  However, given the fact that the S&P took out the 200 day moving average on the daily chart with the intensity it did, I think we need to test the area around 1450-1460 very soon.  Again, I want to see those August lows tested before I get more aggressive on the long side.

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day November 7th 2007

Nasdaq: DOWN 2.7% today with volume 16% ABOVE average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) DOWN 2.45%, volume 52% ABOVE average
Dow: DOWN 2.64%, with volume 23% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): DOWN 2.31%, volume 41% ABOVE the average
S&P ETF (SPY): DOWN 2.74%, volume 76% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): DOWN 3.1%, volume 36% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  I think the fact that there were just 2 leading stocks that moved up today with significant volume says it all.


* Decliners led Advancers 344 to 29 (wow!)
* Advancers were up an average of 1.24% today, with volume 45% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 3.33% with volume 19% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was DOWN 2.97% today with volume 21% ABOVE average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for gauging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days):  
Internet Infrastructure, Clean Energy, Gold Miners, Gold, Commodities
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Semis, Retail, Utilities, Financials

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
Financials, Regional Banks, Energy, Broker/Dealers, Real Estate, Nuclear Energy

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation. 

Sorry, no stock of the day today.  Just two leading stocks moved up with volume today – Foster Wheeler (FWLT) and Guess (GES)

Foster Wheeler (FWLT) The Lone Bright Spot

Today’s SelfInvestors Leading Stocks Moving on Earnings


• Foster Wheeler (FWLT) Heavy Construction, fundamental rank [23/30],  up 6%, nice bounce off 50 day moving average today, continuing long uptrend


• US Global Investors (GROW) Asset Management, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 9%, still carving out a large base and having a tough time getting going

• Nice Systems (NICE) Computer Peripherals, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 4%, holding at 50 day moving average

• inVentiv Health (VTIV) Business & Management Services, fundamental rank [23/30],  down 4%, strong support around 25 (TSCM), Quintana Maritime (QMAR) & WMS Industries (WMS) Poised to Hit All Time Highs

Today’s SelfInvestors Leading Stocks Moving on Earnings


• (TSCM) Internet Info Providers, fundamental rank [27/30],  up 11%, remains in buyable range following recent breakout

• Quintana Maritime (QMAR) Shipping, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 4%, continuing bounce following yesterday’s steep reversal off the 50 day moving average

• WMS Industries (WMS) Diversified Electronics, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 3%, adding to yesterday’s breakout from a bullish triangle formation


• Hologic (HOLX) Medical Appliances & Equipment, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 5%, holding up above support of 50 day moving average and previous breakout point

• American Oriental Bioengineering (AOB) Drug Manufacturers, fundamental rank [27/30],  down 5%, chart still looking very bullish despite today’s selling

Price Action Still Bullish, Volume Not; China Nepstar Drugstore (NPD) IPO

With the Fed announcement as the center piece, the market gyrated this way and that once again while the market attempted to price in the Fed cut and an array of economic data which to the surprise of many was quite bullish – strong GDP, tame inflation and a robust jobs number but tempered by weakening manufacturing.  OK well not too surprising I suppose.  It seems that the government is going to continue to push out bullish economic data regardless, but time will be the ultimate bearer of truth.  I can’t imagine where this market would be if that Friday jobs number came in much weaker than expected.  The word precipitous comes to mind.  At any rate, as I always do I turn to the leading indicators of where this market is headed and that’s right in the technicals.  What emerges?  What emerges is a divergence between price and volume in that the overall price action in the indices is leaning bullish with what could be considered a cup with handle or even inverse head and shoulders pattern in the Dow and S&P.  The problem is that volume levels indicate these patterns are in danger of failing so the best course of action is to just wait with a significant portion of cash on the sidelines.  I’m going to let the patterns develop and give the market time to reveal just where it’s going.  With key support levels near by and some breakout resistance areas in place above, we need confirmation of a move one way or the other before getting more aggressive on either side.  The lines in the sand have been drawn.  Let the tug-o-war begin.

The tech heavy Nasdaq continues to lead the way and well above the first level of support around 2700.

Notice the inverse head and shoulders and even what could be construed as a cup with high handle formation.  Either way, the price action alone is considered bullish.  What isn’t bullish is the amount of sell volume we’ve been seeing which sets us up for potential failure up here.  The area between 13200 – 13400 is key support for the Dow.  I won’t be getting bullish unless buy volume begins to overshadow sell volume AND the Dow breaks through the downward trend off that October high.

The S&P has carved out a similar pattern so I’m looking for similar action.  It needs to hold up at support around 1480 – 1490 and ultimately breakout with volume above the short downward trend from the October high.  The lines in the sand ou

::: Model Portfolio Update :::

The overall market dipped a bit last week but the Self Investors Model Portfolio continues to surge higher tacking on another 3.2% for the week, bringing the year to date performance to  27.6% (exactly where it closed 2006).  I’m continuing to tread lightly in this volatile, unpredictable trading environment.  As I’ve mentioned before, it really is one of the most difficult markets to read I’ve seen in quite awhile so I’m not willing to make large bets on either side (currently sitting on 55% in cash).  During the week I did close out my long trade in RICK for a 54% gain, but still holding the other "adult club" stock PTT for more.  On the losing side, the Fed rally forced me out of my QID position for a small 5% loss.  Honestly, I’m not sure what I was thinking with this particular trade.  Why I didn’t initiate a trade in the Dow Ultrashort (DXD) or S&P UltraShort (SDS) I don’t know.  I liked the resistance that the Q’s were bumping up against and felt that tech was ready for some profit taking, but the S&P and Dow are far weaker indices right now.  I’ll be the first to admit it wasn’t the my best  trade of the year.  I also dumped my NGA position later in the week.  It still looks quite bullish but I wanted to move more to cash following the market meltdown on Thursday.  I’ll continue to trade with extreme caution over at least the next couple weeks.

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Nonmetallic Mineral & Mining: 5.65%
2. Internet Service Providers: 5.30%
3. Silver: 4.90%
4. Semiconductor – Memory Chips: 4.30%
5. Gaming Activities: 3.80%
6. Application Software: 3.55%
7. Drugs Wholesale:  3.50%
8. Data Storage Devices: 3.10%
9. Independent Oil & Gas: 2.85%
10. Medical Equipment Wholesale: 2.85%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Surety & Title Insurance: -21.45%
2. Long Distance Carriers: -13.00%
3. Medical Practitioners: -11.75%
4. Mortgage Investment: -10.60%
5. Residential Construction: -9.75%
6. Savings & Loans: -9.70%
7. Apparel Footwear: -8.10%
8. Regional Banks – SE: -7.90%
9. Manufactured Housing: -7.70%
10. Sporting Activities: -7.15%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –
1. India Fund (IFN)  9.60%
2. US Natural Gas (UNG) 7.40%
3. Ishares Commodies (GSG) 5.00%
4. Market Vectors Gold MIners (GDX) 4.75%
5. US Oil (USO) 4.50%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Herzfeld Cuba (CUBA)  -17.15%
2. KBW Banking (KRE)  -9.05%
3. Ishares Home Construction (ITB)  -8.40%
4. SPDR Homebuilders (XHB) -7.35%
5. HLDRS Regional Banks (RKH)  -6.10%

:::  IPO’s Worth Watching for This Week :::

There are few great looking IPO’s coming this week with China IPO’s leading the way once again along with a few energy IPO’s

1.  China Nepstar Drugstore (NPD):  The rapidly expanding company operates China’s largest retail drugstore chain, with some 1,800 stores in more than 60 coastal cities and adjoining provinces. Besides pharmacy services, China Nepstar stores carry up to 2,600 items, including over-the-counter drugs; nutritional supplements; and herbal, personal care, and family care products. They also offer consumable, seasonal, and promotional items, as well as about 1,100 private label products. The company distributes to stores through a national distribution center in Shenzhen and 11 regional distribution centers throughout China.  Trading set to begin on Friday.

2. Agria Corp (GRO):  Agria supplies corn seeds, sheep breeding products, and seedlings to a variety of customers throughout China. Corn seed products include four proprietary strains of corn seed (sold under the Primalights III brand) offering characteristics that allow them to thrive in various climate zones. The company also produces, sells, and distributes generic corn seed strains. Sheep breeding products consist of frozen sheep semen, sheep embryos, and breeder sheep. Agria also sells blackberry, raspberry, date, and white bark pine seedlings to end users such as plantation nurseries.    Trading set to begin on Thursday.

3.  AirMedia Group (AMCN):  specializes in advertising to air travelers in China. It operates more than 2,000 digital TV screens in airports and places ads on more than 16,000 TVs on airplanes. To help attract an audience to its ads, AirMedia Group also runs news, weather, sports, travel, comedy, and documentary clips provided by China Central Television (CCTV). Selling time slots to both domestic and international advertisers accounts for half of AirMedia Group’s revenues. Some of its top customers include Lexus, Hitachi, and Nokia.    Trading set to begin Wednesday.

4. OSG America (OSP):  transports crude oil and refined petroleum products for oil companies and independent refiners, including key clients Chevron, Sunoco, and Marathon Oil. Its fleet consists of 10 product carriers, seven articulated tug barges (ATBs), and one conventional tug barge (CTB) which transport from refineries on the Gulf Coast to Florida; from refineries on the East Coast to New England; and from refineries on the West Coast to California and Oregon. The boats’ aggregate carrying capacity is about 5 million barrels. OSG America also owns nearly 40% of Alaska Tanker which carries crude oil from Alaska to the continental US.  Trading set to begin on Friday

5. The Ensign Group (ENSG):  offers both short-term rehabilitative and long-term assisted living services. Its owned and leased facilities have a collective capacity of 7,300 beds and are primarily located in California, Arizona, and Texas. Each property is operated by a separate subsidiary with independent management; Ensign Group’s Service Center provides centralized administration, finance, and clinical consulting services. The company derives three-fourths of its revenues from Medicaid and Medicare programs.  Trading set to begin on Friday.

6.  SandRidge Energy (SD):  explores for and produces oil and natural gas, mainly in West Texas. The company also owns and operates drilling rigs and a related oilfield services business. In addition it operates gas gathering, marketing, and processing subsidiaries. Its 87%-owned PetroSource subsidiary operates CO2-treating and transportation facilities and has tertiary oil recovery operations. SandRidge Energy also has oil and gas acreage in Oklahoma’s Anadarko and Arkoma Basins, and in Colorado’s Piceance Basin.  Trading set to begin on Tuesday.

7.  Approach Resources (AREX):  Specializing in finding and exploiting unconventional reservoirs, the company operates primarily in West Texas’ Ozona Northeast field, while developing its operations in Western Kentucky, and Northern New Mexico. The company’s unconventional designation results from a focus on developing natural gas reserves in tight gas sands and shale areas, necessitating a reliance on advanced completion, fracturing and drilling techniques.  Trading set to begin on Thursday.

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (11/5/07 – 11/9/07) :::

Monday:         ISM Services
Tuesday:       None
Wednesday: Productivity, Wholesale Inventories, Crude Inventories
Thursday:      Initial Claims
Friday:            Export/Import Prices, Trade Balance, Mich. Sentiment

::: Upcoming Notable Earnings Reports :::

Monday:  Sun Hydraulics (SNHY), T-3 Energy Services (TTES), Simcere Pharmaceutical Group (SCR), LSB Industries (LXU), American Oriental Biosciences (AOB), Quintana Maritime (QMAR), Balchem (BCPC)

Tuesday:  Jacobs Engineering (JEC), Herbal Life (HLF), Banco Bredesco (BBD), Hologic (HOLX)

Wednesday: Cisco Systems (CSCO), ICF International (ICFI), J2 Global Communications (JCOM), US Global Investors (GROW), (CTRP), InnerWorkings (INWK)

Thursday: Nvidia (NVDA), Dolby Labs (DLB), Gulfport Energy (GPOR), Credicorp (BAP), KHD Humboldt (KHD), Comtech (COGO), Hansen Natural (HANS), Perficient (PRFT), (GMKT)

Friday: JA Solar (JASO)

::: In Case You Missed It – SelfInvestors Blog Entries of the Past Week :::

1. Barry on Trading Options: All About Delta

2. Atheros Communications (ATHR) & BE Aerospace (BEAV) Breakout On Earnings

3. Pericom (PSEM), Mastercard (MA) & Partner Communications (PTNR) Breakout on Earnings

4. Will Market Wobble With Fed Wheels Off?; Stock of Day – Mastercard (MA)

5.  Crocs (CROX) Crushed, Bankrate (RATE) On Verge of Breakout After Earnings

6.  Watch Bulls/Bears Battle From Sidelines; Stock of Day – Cynosure (CYNO)

7.  Flowserve (FLS), HMS (HMSY), Stanley (SXE), eHealth (EHTH), Open Text (OTEX) & GFI Group (GFIG) All Soar to New Heights

Flowserve (FLS), HMS (HMSY), Stanley (SXE), eHealth (EHTH), Open Text (OTEX) & GFI Group (GFIG) All Soar to New Heights

Today’s SelfInvestors Leading Stocks Moving on Earnings


• Flowserver (FLS) Diversified Machinery, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 18%, broke out of flat base to new all time high

• HMS Holdings (HMSY) Healthcare Information Service, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 16%, a former trade of the day – still pushing to new all time highs

• Stanley (SXE) Business & Management Services, fundamental rank [23/30],  up 16%, adding to yesterday’s bounce off the 50 day moving average; great looking chart

• eHealth (EHTH) Insurance Brokers, fundamental rank [27/30],  up 15%, big breakout from first base since going public

• Open Text Corp (OTEX) Internet Software & Services, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 11%, cleared an all time high today

• GFI Group (GFIG) Investment Brokerage, fundamental rank [27/30],  up 11%, big bounce off 50 day moving average and looking very bullish

• Cbeyond (CBEY) Wireless Communications, fundamental rank [27/30],  up 7%, holding up after a recent breakout; reclaimed support of 50 day moving average today

• Bucyrus International (BUCY)  Farm & Construction Machinery, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 4%, sold off and tested 50 day moving average where it reversed sharply; still looking very bullish after a recent breakout


• Rainmaker Systems (RMKR) Business & Management Services, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 18%, in all likelihood will retest June lows

• Blackbaud (BLKB) Application Software, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 5%, holding at 50 day moving average

Watch Bulls/Bears Battle From Sidelines; Stock of Day – Cynosure (CYNO)

What a difference a day makes, but such is typical around a Fed announcement.  I mentioned in my report last night that yes the day’s action was strong, but considering that price and volume was not exceptional and that trading on the day of the Fed decision is often a false move to be careful.  I thought we could very well close down today but of course never imagined the selling intensity would be so swift and decisive.  I’ve been using the terms like jeckyll and hyde and schizo to describe the action of this market over the past several months so today’s action is just more of the same!  In the past, we have recovered quickly from these kinds of sell offs, making it difficult to profit consistently in short positions.  Perhaps now that the Fed has indicated that their hand holding is now probably off the table, the kind of correction that the market has been flirting with for weeks will now ensue.  Today, there was no rumor of Fed action to save the day, just waves of institutional selling.  It was an ugly day, there’s no way around it.  Tomorrow could be just as ugly as we head into the weekend and there are critical support levels to be aware of for tomorrow and over the next few days:  Dow 13200 – 13250, S&P 1480 – 1490, Nasdaq 2700.  The important thing to remember is that no clear winner has emerged as the bulls and bears battle it out up here at all time highs in the Dow and S&P.  While they’re duking it out and gyrating the indices every which way but loose, it pays to be largely on the sidelines until we get a firm sense of direction.  I’ll continue to sound like a broken record in the hopes that maybe just maybe a few more people will heed my advice and preserve their capital after what has been a darn good 4 years of profits.

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day November 1st 2007

Nasdaq: DOWN 2.25% today with volume 45% ABOVE average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) DOWN 1.87%, volume 46% ABOVE average
Dow: DOWN 2.6%, with volume 23% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): DOWN 2.23%, volume 105% ABOVE the average
S&P ETF (SPY): DOWN 2.34%, volume 102% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): DOWN 3.86%, volume 117% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  Leading stocks were hit hard today, but not quite as hard as the Russell. .. still an awful day.


* Decliners led Advancers 331 to 42
* Advancers were up an average of 2.76% today, with volume 158% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 3.56% with volume 37% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was DOWN 2.84% today with volume 50% ABOVE average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for gauging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days):  
Gold, Internet Infrastructure, Gold Miners, Software, Agriculture
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Retail, Consumer Discretionary, Homebuilders, Semis

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Commodities, Bonds

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
Financial, Homebuilders, Banks, Retail, Real Estate

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  Today’s stock is Cynosure (CYNO), a small company emerging in the very lucrative non invasive cosmetic surgery space. 


Cynosure, Inc. (Cynosure) develops and markets aesthetic treatment systems that are used by physicians and other practitioners to perform non-invasive procedures to remove hair, treat vascular lesions, rejuvenate skin through the treatment of shallow vascular lesions and pigmented lesions, temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite, treat wrinkles, skin texture, skin discoloration and skin tightening, and to perform minimally invasive procedures for LaserBodySculpting and for the removal of unwanted fat.


CYNO is a company that is really just beginning to hit its stride after losing money in 2000 – 2003, hitting profitability in ’04 but then taking a step back in 2005.  That’s all changed in the past 2 years for this small but fast growing company (revenues of just over 100 million over the past year).  After more than doubling earnings in 2006, the company is on pace to do so again in 2007 then moderate a bit in ’08 with 25% growth.  Those are fantastic numbers on the earnings side but what stands out most to me is the trend of accelerating revenue growth over the past 2 years.  Net margins (currently around 14%) and ROE (currently around 11%) aren’t exceptional by any means but solid.  Add in the growing number of institutions initiating positions and 40% management ownership and what you have is a company with tremendous potential.. to make you money! 


CYNO IPO’d back in late 2005 and broke out of its first base nearly a year later.  After more than doubling the stock fell into a new base which it broke out of in early October without ever forming a definitive handle.  The stock needed to digest the quick run in September and it’s done that by carving out a bullish triangle formation.  A break from this formation (around 40 – 41) is a buy opportunity.

SELFINVESTORS RATING: With a total score of 53/60 (26/30 for fundamentals, 27/30 for technical), Cynosure (CYNO) is a top SelfInvestors breakout stock.

Full Disclosure/Disclaimer: The stock of the day is by no means a buy recommendation.  Please do your own research and make a personal decision based on your own tolerance for risk.  I currently do not own a position in CYNO.

Crocs (CROX) Crushed, Bankrate (RATE) On Verge of Breakout After Earnings

Today’s SelfInvestors Leading Stocks Moving on Earnings


• Capella Education (CPLA) Education & Training Services, fundamental rank [26/30],  up 13%, continuing along a long uptrend

• Dril-Quip (DRQ) Oil & Gas Equipment & Services, fundamental rank [28/30],  up 11%, adding to recent breakout and trading at all time highs

• Bankrate (RATE) Internet Info Providers, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 8%, nearing breakout from long cup with handle base

Cynosure (CYNO) Medical Appliances & Equip, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 3%, broke out of great looking cup with handle base to new all time highs


• Crocs (CROX) Apparel Footwear, fundamental rank [28/30],  down 34%, should ultimately test the area around the 200 day moving average around 40 – 42

• Flotek Industries (FTK) Industrial Equipment Wholesale, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 20%, took out the 50 day moving average but there is some support around 40

• CIRCOR International (CIR) Industrial Equip & Components, fundamental rank [23/30],  down 11%, huge reversal off support of 200 day moving averag

• Manitowoc (MTW) Farm & Construction Machinery, fundamental rank [27/30],  down 10%, down but not out… holding at 50 day moving average

• Diodes (DIOD) Semiconductor – Integrated Circuit, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 7%, took out the 50 day moving average but might get some support around 30

• NATCO Group (NTG) Oil & Gas Equipment & Services, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 5%, holding up at support around 50 for now

• Morningstar (MORN) Asset Management, fundamental rank [28/30],  down 4%, still a bullish chart despite today’s selling

Will Market Wobble With Fed Wheels Off?; Stock of Day – Mastercard (MA)

Good party today.  It all started out with a very strong GDP number (wonder how much that will get revised downward?) which keeps recession worries off the table for now, tame inflation once again (huh?) and the Fed kicked it up a notch by spiking the punch.  There’s no denying it was a strong day with all major indices rising with good volume but when you consider the perfect storm of good news across the board, I’m a bit surprised we didn’t close stronger on much higher volume.  Let’s see what tomorrow brings.  Remember that trading on the day of the Fed announcement can be a knee jerk move and isn’t a good indicator of what tomorrow will bring.  A strong day tomorrow might push me into another long trade but I’m still reluctant to get aggressively long with major resistance in both the Dow and S&P500 still looming.  Sure the Nasdaq is in another world and technically much stronger, but we have to wonder what will be the catalyst following this Fed induced rally particularly with the bulk of earnings behind us and the Fed indicating that they’re done for awhile?  I’m maintaining neutrality here.

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day October 31st 2007

Nasdaq: UP 1.51% today with volume 19% ABOVE average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) 1.42%, volume 20% ABOVE average
Dow: UP 1.00%, with volume 23% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): UP .82%, volume 58% ABOVE the average
S&P ETF (SPY): UP 1.04%, volume 35% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): UP 1.29%, volume 37% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  A very good today for leading stocks which bodes well for this market.  The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index outperformed all major indices with good volume behind it.


* Advancers led Decliners 294 to 79
* Advancers were up an average of 2.75% today, with volume 40% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 2.39% with volume 128% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was UP 1.66% today with volume 59% ABOVE average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for gauging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days):  
Gold, Broker/Dealers, Internet Infrastructure, Gold Miners, Software, Agriculture
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Retail, Consumer Discretionary, Homebuilders, Semis

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
US Oil, Gold Miners, Commodities, Energy, Materials, Natural Resources
(as dollar continues to plunge commodities continue to skyrocket! – interesting that only commodities made it to leaderboard today)

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
Home Construction (suppose  traders were pricing in a 50 point cut just a bit)

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  Today’s stock is Mastercard (MA), currently the best way to play this increasingly cashless world.


MasterCard Incorporated (MasterCard) is a global payment solutions company that provides a variety of services in support of the credit, debit and related payment programs of nearly 25,000 financial institutions. Through the Company’s three-tiered business model as franchisor, processor and advisor, it develops and markets payment solutions, process payment transactions, and provide consulting services to its customers and merchants. The Company manages a family of payment card brands, including MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro and Cirrus, which it licenses to its customers. MasterCard’s general purpose card brands include MasterCard, Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club and Discover. MasterCard generate revenues from the fees that it charges its customers for providing transaction processing and other payment-related services (operations fees), and by assessing its customers based on the dollar volume of activity on the cards that carry its brands (assessments).


Plastic payment providers such as Mastercard (MA) are a virtual money tree in that they make money on every transaction out there with very little change in the margins.  It’s not a perfect world though.  Lawsuits from large merchants are a constant threat to the profit machine as Mastercard (MA) saw in 2003 when it lost 2.90/share after large settlement costs.  However, since then the company has been able to avoid large legal costs and returned to profitability in 2004 with earnings of 1.76 share which rose 34% in ’05 to 2.35/share, 45% in ’06 to 3.41 and is expected to rise another 46% here in ’07 (but those estimates need to be revised – looks like earnings will end up being closer to 55 – 60% higher over ’06 when it’s all said and done).  So there you have it.  Three years in a row of accelerating earnings growth and over the past year revenue growth has been picking up.  With net margins (19%)and ROE (28%) spiking over the past year this is clearly a company hitting on all cylinders.


Mastercard (MA) was certainly the headliner today with a 20% surge out of a cup with handle base to new all time highs.  It’s too bad it couldn’t breakout like this AFTER the Fed announcement today because I decided not to initiate any new entries today so may have missed out on a good entry point in what will be a great core holding in any portfolio.  That’s OK.. nothing wrong with staying disciplined.  If you didn’t catch this one at the open and are waiting for an entry like I am I’d look to start nibbling at 185 or lower with a small position and then add to a long term position along the way. 

SELFINVESTORS RATING: With a total score of 52/60 (27/30 for fundamentals, 25/30 for technical), Mastercard (MA) is a top SelfInvestors breakout candidate.

Full Disclosure/Disclaimer: The stock of the day is by no means a buy recommendation.  Please do your own research and make a personal decision based on your own tolerance for risk.  I currently do not own a position in Mastercard (MA)

ETF, IPO & Breakout Stocks Analysis, Tracking & Research