Break Outs on Earnings in Dealer Trak (TRAK) & LHC Group (LHCG)


  • DealerTrak Holdings (TRAK) Application Software, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 13%, big break out to new all time high
  • LHC Group (LHCG) Home Health Care, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 6%, break out to new all time high from beauty of a base


  • NCI Building Systems (NCS) General Building Materials, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 11%, took out support of 50 and 200 day moving averages.. could see another 10% in decline soon
  • NATCO Group (NTG) Oil & Gas Equip & Services, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 10%, also took out support of 50 and 200 day moving averages
  • Input/Output Inc (IO) Scientific & Technical Instruments, fundamental rank [23/30],  down 6%, off morning lows but still probably headed to support of 50 day moving average

Bears Exert Some Control

::: Today’s Market Action :::

Today’s Self Investors Leading Stocks Index said it all: 425 Decliners to 11 Advancers (see below).

It seemed like deja vu with today’s sell off.  I mentioned in the weekend report the ominous sign of the stock tickers page in the men’s bathroom and how it reminded me of the discussion overheard on the plane days before the May meltdown.  In May, Indian businessman were seen throwing themselves off bridges after obliterating their financial future with large speculation at the top of a frothy market.  Now we may be witnessing the same in China after the government reiterated that it would take steps to curb this rampant speculation.  It’s a shame that this behavior happens again and again, despite lessons learned.  But greed is just as strong as fear, maybe more so.  In our own markets the news proved to be the tipping point for a market in great need of a correction.  The underlying concerns were there with the subprimes and slowing growth (in addition to the supposed assasination attempt on Cheney).  It seemed everyone was waiting for a correction, but nobody could have predicted the magnitude of it.  I was prepared with some hedging with buying of QID and a couple shorts and planned to continue to ease into a predominantly short portfolio.  So much for that idea!  I never got that far and got hurt today… it could have been worse.  Funny how the market surprises EVEN WHEN you’re prepared for its move in a certain direction.

Here’s a look at the weekly 2 year charts which puts everything into perspective a bit better.  That was some move today – you can see how it dwarfs the rest of the chart.  It almost looks like a mistake!  Notice the declining volume as the Dow made its move higher.. it was running out of gas.  One thing to keep in mind is that it’s probably much too early to be catching the falling knife.  There will undoubtedly be many opportunities for day/swingtrading on both sides of the market, but based on today’s move we’re most likely headed much lower.  The next level of support in the Dow is the 11750 area which is another 400 – 500 points down.  It’s an area of convergence where the 50 day moving average and the previous break out point.  I might be looking for some longer term holdings at that point.  It could happen tomorrow.. .. 

In the Nasdaq, there is some support very near by in the 2400 range but I can’t imagine that’s going to hold.  Not with the amount of momentum to the downside today.  It will most likely blow through that level at some point tomorrow.  The 50 day moving average around 2300 is a much more likely area for the Nasdaq to begin finding some support. 

Similar chart here for the S&P – in all likelihood it’s going to drop to its next support levels around 1325 – 1340.. another 5% or so.  Just how fast that will happen is anyone’s guess but chances are very good that it will within the next couple of weeks..

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day Feb 27th 2007

Yeah there was just a wee bit of distribution today.

Nasdaq: DOWN 3.86% today with volume 37% ABOVE  average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) DOWN 4.11%, volume 181% ABOVE average
Dow: DOWN 3.29%, volume 75% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): DOWN 3.75%, volume 307% ABOVE the average
S&P ETF (SPY): DOWN 3.91%, volume 334% ABOVE the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): DOWN 4.53%, volume 197% ABOVE the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  No surprise here – leading stocks got crushed.


* Decliners led Advancers 425 to 11 (Wow! just 11 advancers today – I did double check my database to make sure there wasn’t some error.  That is correct.)
* Advancers were up an average of 2.12% today, with volume 109% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 4.66% with volume 76% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was DOWN 4.49% today with volume 77% ABOVE  the average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for guaging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post:

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Utilities, Materials, Clean Energy, Gold
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Retail, Global Dividend

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Just Bonds!

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
Gold Miners, Clean Energy, Gold, Broker Dealers, Financial

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation. 

NO Stock of the Day Today.

Looks Like the Beginning of a Market Correction

I’ve had a few requests from premium members to provide my thoughts on how to play this market right now.  I thought I’d pass along with what I shared with them here..

I’ve had a few questions this morning about how best to tackle today’s sell off and wanted to give you my opinion on how best to proceed and how I’m going to proceed.  First of all keep in mind that it wasn’t going to take much to send this market into a tail spin.  Many traders most likely had tight stops in anticipating a correction.  When all those stops get triggered at once it leads to a bit of a panic which leads to more selling, more stops triggered.. you get the idea.  Yes, its important to protect your capital and unload your weakest positions.  I personally don’t use stops because I’m able to watch the market closely during the day and don’t like getting stopped out based on price alone.  I’d rather monitor both price and volume as well as overall market conditions when determining if I’m going to sell or not.  If you are using stops, which many of you are that’s ok.  You should be if you can’t pay attention to your stocks. 

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the fear and panic on an open like we had today but it’s so important to sit tight and wait for the dust to settle then make a rational decision.  The best time to do this is in the last few hours of trading which is when the institutions make their moves and the low liquidity high fliers aren’t swinging a few bucks in minutes.  Fight the fear and make rational decisions.

You may be tempted to look for some of those high flyers that have sold off today.  My recommendation is take your losses today, take your aspirin and sit tight for a few days at the very least.  What this kind of selling does is create hesitancy.  Hesitancy to the kind of speculation buying we’ve seen over the past few weeks (including in the Model Portfolio).  At the very least, this market doesn’t go anywhere over the next several weeks.  At the worst, we get a major meltdown.  I think we get something in between. 

As always, the most important part of today’s trading will occur in the last hour.  Can the bulls make a stand and force a close above key support of the 50 day moving average?  If so, we probably end up in more of a sideways pattern over the next few weeks.  If this market closes below those support levels we’re headed much lower in the coming weeks. 

I’ve been hedging my long positions with 10% of the portfolio in QID and will look to add more to this position soon.  Stay tuned and be careful out there.

Using An Automated Buy Order: Buy Stops With a Limit


I am a little confused. What does using buy stops with a limit mean?  Isn’t using the buy stop good enough?
My Response:
Using a buy stop will trigger an "at the market" order at a specified price.  For example, if you were away for the day but wanted to get into a stock that might break out such as HOTJ you could set your buy stop somewhere between 3.75 and 3.80.  As soon as the stock hits that price, it will trigger a market buy order.  Depending on how fast the stock is moving, how liquid it is and the execution of your broker you might get your order filled at your requested price or much higher.  Just because your buy stop was triggered at 3.75 doesn’t mean you’re going to get that price.  What the limit order does is keep the order from getting filled at too high of a price.  This is important.  If a stock is moving quickly you could get filled way above your buy stop price.  Placing a limit order assures you of getting a certain price.  The only draw back is that your order may not get filled at all.  But at least you’ve minimized your risk. 

The Men’s Room May Be Indicating a Market Top

Last May on a flight to Mexico I couldn’t help but overhearing a couple behind me spending about 30 minutes discussing how well the market has been doing.  They appeared to be average investors with who might follow the market once or twice a week.. It caught my attention.  When the average investor begins getting excited about the market, it’s time to watch closely for a top, at least in the short term.  Within days of that dicussion, the market began to fall off a cliff particularly in the emerging markets (India comes to mind).  This brings me to a situation which caught my attention Friday night while enjoying a few at a local German pub.  In the bathroom there are often pinups of the latest sports page or interesting current events.  NEVER before have I seen a page of stock quotes… not here or in any bar.  Is the average investor getting a bit too giddy?  Time will tell.  What are you seeing out there?  It pays to pay attention. 

::: Model Portfolio Update :::

I mentioned to premium members in a Stock Watch report last week that I would be hesitant to initiate additional longer term core holding positions at this time and instead would focus on the Quick Strike Profit (QSP) plays that continue to be extremely profitable.  Last week, 2 more QSP trades were closed for sizable gains – a quick one day gain of 28% in Movie Star (MSI) and another decent gain in Chinese solar play Canadian Solar (CSIQ) of 17%.  Three additional QSP plays were added during the week, one of which is sitting on an 18% profit in just one day.  As always I dont just tout the big winners here.  There were losses as well.  I took small losses in QSP trade Vivo Participacoes (VIV) (-6%) and a short position in Zygo (ZIGO)(-5%).  With a few big QSP gains in the portfolio last week,  the YTD performance surged nearly 3% to 9.6%, well ahead of the S&P’s 2.3% rise YTD.  My current allocation stands at 58% long, 17% short and 25% cash.

::: PinPoint the Highest Ranked Breakout Stocks in Just Minutes Each Day! :::

Want to take your membership to the next level?  Premium members who have been following along with buy and sell alerts in the Model Portfolio most likely had a great year in ’06 as the portfolio beat the pants off the market with a 27.6% return… it continues to do the same in ’07 and has now more than doubled since its inception a little over 3 years ago.

In addition to alerting you to the best opportunities on the long side, short opportunities are used to make money during a downturn.  To really accelerate returns, a new feature of Self Investors implemented in the middle of ’06 are Quick Strike Profit plays which provide explosive profit potential in just a matter of days.  That’s just one of many premium features….

There are literally dozens of breakout stocks to watch every day.  How about a database of stocks all ranked according to fundamentals and technicals, complete with pivot points, earnings date, % change from breakout and moving averages, future earnings estimates and relative strength rating?  How about Stock Watch reports highlighting long and short opportunities for the coming week?  It will save you hours of research every week and drastically improve your results.

Try it out for yourself for 30 days!  You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.  Sign in to your account here: and take advantage of the no risk trial.  If you’re not an existing registered member you may signup here: 

::: Best/Worst Performers :::

– Top 10 Performing Industries For the Week –

1. Recreational Goods: 9.00%
2. Textile Manufacturing: 5.75%
3. Music & Video Stores: 5.60%
4. Pollution & Treatment Controls: 5.35%
5. Silver: 5.30%
6. Copper: 4.90%
7. Heavy Construction:  4.75%
8. Healthcare Information Service: 4.25%
9. Industrial Metals & Minerals: 4.05%
10. Sporting Goods Stores: 3.70%

– Top 10 Worst Performing Industries For the Week –

1. CATV Systems: -9.35%
2. Toy & Hobby Stores: -9.25%
3. Residential Construction: -5.15%
4. Medical Equipment Wholesale: -3.65%
5. Beverages – Brewers: -3.60%
6. Mortgage Investment: -3.55%
7. Major Airlines: -3.45%
8. Semiconductor – Memory Chips: -3.25%
9. REIT – Hotel Motel: -3.25%
10. Regional Airlines: -2.35%

– Top 5 Best Performing ETFs For the Week –
1. Morgan Stanley China (CAF)  5.80%
2. Japan Equity (JEQ) 4.90%
3. Korea Fund (KF) 4.85%
4. China Fund (CHN) 4.75%
5. Ishares Japan (EWJ) 4.30%

– Worst 5 Performing ETF’s –

1. Herzfel Caribbean Basin (CUBA)  -8.25%
2. Morgan Stanley India (IIF) -6.70%
3. India Fund (IFN) -5.25%
4. Ishares Home Construction (ITB) -4.40%
5. Chile Fund (CH) -3.45%

:::  IPO’s Worth Watching for This Week :::

Again, there are No IPO’s Worth Watching for This Week

::: Upcoming Economic Reports (2/26/07- 3/2/2007) :::

Monday:         None
Tuesday:       Durable Orders, Consumer Confidence, Existing Home Sales
Wednesday:  GDP (prelim), Chicago PMI, New Home Sales, Crude Inventories
Thursday:      Initial Claims, Personal Income/Spending, Construction Spending, ISM, Auto/Truck
Friday:           Michigan Sentiment (rev.)

::: Notable Upcoming Earnings Reports I’ll Be Watching This Week :::

Monday: Focus Media Holdings (FMCN), Range Resources (RRC), Ceradyne (CRDN), Nordstrom (JWN)

Tuesday: Tower Group (TWGP), LKQ Corp (LKQX), Western Refining (WNR), CTC Media (CTCM), China Medical Tech (CMED), Wynn Resorts (WYNN),

Wednesday: LHC Group (LHCG), Tenaris (TS), NATCO Group (NTG), Joy Global (JOYG), HEICO Corp (HEI),

Thursday: North Gate Minerals (NXG), Verifone Holdings (PAY), Dell (DELL)

Friday: None

::: Latest Blog Entries – In Case You Missed Them! :::

– SelfInvestors Blog –

1. Today’s Earnings Movers – Break Outs in Vasco Data Security (VDSI) and ANSYS (ANSS)

2. After Market Update – Nasdaq Breaks Out As Small/Mid Caps Lead the Way; Volume Waning on S&P and Dow; Stock of Day – Morningstar (MORN)

3. Today’s Earnings Movers – Hecla Mining (HL) Near Another Break Out

4. Today’s Earnings Movers – Break Out in VCA Antech (WOOF)

5. Uranium Miners Moving – Energy Metals (EMU) Gets Cramer Push; Uranerz Energy (URZ) Now is the Better Play

6. Today’s Earnings Movers – Morningstar (MORN), RTI International (RTI) and Commscope (CTV) Add to Recent Break Outs

7. Two Innovative Ways to Search for Investing/Trading Information – ChaCha & TheLion

Innovative Ways to Navigate the Maze of Stock Trading Info

I recently came across 2 interesting and innovative tools that help (..or maybe not) wade through the massive sea of investing/trading information out there.  The first site I came across which my brother mentioned to me is  I was intrigued by the idea of speaking to a person through instant messenger and wanted to see if they could deliver good results… so I ran a little test. 

I asked the guide to give me their results for "top stock market investing blogs".  Not too difficult for someone who is supposed to be considered an expert in the investing field right?  Heck, they probably have a list bookmarked on their desktop.  Wrong!  The first guide I spoke to came up with good results in the first 2 (see below).  [I say first guide because I was passed off not once but twice to another guide who "might be of more help"]  I would consider those first 2 resources in any top list.  Then it kind of falls apart.  I certainly wouldn’t consider the last 4 resources in the "top" category.  The Pokey Pine blog hasn’t been updated since Nov 2006, I haven’t heard of several of the top blogs that topblogsites lists, the college site looks fairly new and cxoadvisory? hmm…. you get the idea.  Not shown is one suggestion from the guide that led me to a site about finance, NOT stock market investing.   Clearly, ChaCha has a long way to go before Google should be worried.  If I were in charge I would fix one thing right off.  Guides who pass the query off aren’t rateable (if that’s a word).  The guide who clearly struggled in an area she was supposedly an expert in didn’t get the poor rating from me.  Your success at weeding out poor guides are greatly minimized this way.  Anyway, I wasn’t real impressed but I’ll give it a go again sometime with a different subject.  This is still in beta so it will be an interesting site to follow over the next year or so.  That is if they don’t burn through the cash employing all those guides.

Business > Financial Services

  1. The Stock Market Blogs Resource Page – SeekingAlpha
    The Stock Market Blogs Resource Page – SeekingAlpha
  2. ChaCha Search – Search Results
    ChaCha Search – Search Results
  3. Blogs tagged as Stock Market – Blog Top Sites
    Blogs tagged as Stock Market – Blog Top Sites
  4. CXOAG Investing/Trading Insights – Stock Market Research Summaries, Analyses and Reviews
    CXOAG Investing/Trading Insights – Stock Market Research Summaries, Analyses and Reviews
  5. CollegeStock Investing Blog and Small Cap Stock News
    CollegeStock Investing Blog and Small Cap Stock News
  6. Pokeypine Stock Market Blog
    Pokeypine Stock Market Blog

Yesterday, I came across another innovative way to search the investing world.  TheLion, aggregates blog entries and a few top discussion boards (yahoo, raging bull, clearstation).  Just type in a ticker and lists all the entries for that company.  I’m not a fan of the discussion board boasting and bashing and the number of blogs they’re are aggregating appears to be fairly limited since it’s a new part of the service, but if you’re into the discussion boards and want some blog articles thrown in, it’s a useful service.

Earnings Movers – Morningstar (MORN), RTI International (RTI) & Commscope (CTV) Add to Recent Gains


  • RTI International Metals (RTI) Industrial Metals & Minerals, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 7%, adding to gains after breaking out on Jan 31st
  • CommScope (CTV) Communication Equipment, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 5%, adding to gains after breaking out on Feb 15th
  • Morningstar (MORN) Asset Management, fundamental rank [28/30],  up 4%, another one adding to gains following recent break out – MORN was a recent stock of the day


  • GFI Group (GFIG) Investment Brokerage, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 6%, bouncing from day’s lows, but still below support of 50 day moving average
  • VA Software (LNUX) Business Software & Services, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 4%, still has support of 50 day moving average.. not looking too bad technically

Uranium Movers Moving – Energy Metals (EMU) Gets Cramer Push; Uranerz Energy (URZ) Offers Better Opportunity

In my report on uranium miners on Feb 9th, I mentioned that Energy Metals (EMU) was technically the best play in the field.  Since then, the stock has skyrocketed about 35% in just the last 2 weeks.  To top it off, now Cramer is pushing the stock, indicating it’s highly speculative but a potential buy out by Cameco (CCJ).  To his credit he recommended not paying above $12 for the stock – I agree.  Do not chase this up here!  I would have been tempted to short this at the open this morning (I did not)

How about another technical play mentioned in my previous report – Uranerz (URZ).  This is a stock that just broke out yesterday and is surging quickly.  As I write this, the stock is getting a bit extended.  I’m waiting for some kind of pull back.

Disclaimer: I do not own positions in either stock.

Profiting From Mergers & Acquisitions – Almost Pure Luck


How does an investor play the mergers and acquisitions game? When two companies are expected to merge, which stock should an investor buy?  How does an investor find the possible companies that may become acquired? The stock of the company almost always goes higher when it is announced.  Cramer mentioned 10 possible mergers on his show last night (20 companies).  Just wondered. Some of his ideas don’t materialize.

My Response:

It’s often times difficult to tell if a company may be acquired.. and it’s often just rumor or speculation which can move a stock.  The M&A game is mostly just pure luck unless of course you’re an insider who knows a little something.. which of course would get you into trouble with the SEC.  In a situation where a company is being purchased, you will almost always get a pop because the buying company will pay a premium.  In a merger situation of relative equals, it really depends on the situation and if the market thinks it makes sense.   Speculating on which companies may be bought out make for decent entertainment I suppose and he may just be right on a couple, but that alone is never a reason to buy a company.  The good news is that what you’ll find is that most of the companies that are being bought out and paid a premium for are exactly the companies that we are looking at.  Small, high growth companies that can add to the bottom lines of their larger counterparts.


ETF, IPO & Breakout Stocks Analysis, Tracking & Research