IPO Lockup Dates (May 6 – 12)

The IPO lockup period is a legally binding contract between the underwriters and the company undergoing the initial public offering that probits company insiders from selling their shares.  The expiration of the lockup period can be very important because it can result in a declining share price as insiders cash out a portion of or all of their position.

The following is a list of companies with expiring IPO lockup periods for the coming week:

5/6/2007: Catalyst Pharmaceutical Partners (CPRX)

5/7/2007: Canadian Solar (CSIQ), KBW (KBW), OneBeacon Insurance (OB), Physicians Formula (FACE)

5/8/2007: ACA Capital (ACA), Capella Education Company (CPLA), Metabolix (MBLX), Thermage (THRM)

Crocs (CROX) Earnings Impresses; Breakout to All Time Highs

Today’s Growth Stock Big Earnings Movers: 


• Crocs Inc (CROX) Apparel Footwear, fundamental rank [29/30],  up 18%, big breakout from cup base to new all time high

Techwell (TWLL) Electronic Equipment, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 4%, in process of carving out a base


• Jones Soda (JSDA) Beverages – Soft Drinks, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 12%, still has support of 50 day moving average

• Superior Essex (SPSX) Aluminum, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 10%, still has strong support where 50 and 200 day moving averages converge

some hard hitting, thought provoking questions

I’ve been so busy I nearly forgot to respond to being tagged by Chris (aka "the pirahna") Perruna, but then an hour ago I was tagged again, this time from a member of www.tagged.com which to me reeks of spam.  I have no idea who the person is that "tagged" me from this website but it served as a good reminder.  Yeah, I lean towards the optimistic side.  Anyway, on to a few questions that were passed on to me- what are my obsessions and why is that I do what I do?


1. this site/my business – i’m a bit of a workaholic at times and have given up a lot in the last few years to build it so this may fall into the category of obsessive more than anything else

2. travel – love it, but haven’t had much time to do it – spent 6 weeks in Thailand a couple years ago and eventually plan to live somewhere overseas for 6 months out of year (my ideas are panama, mexico, ecuador, uruguay, argentina).  That plan has been pushed back several times!  Here’s me on the way to a camping trip in Thailand a few years ago:

3. music – living in seattle, i’ve been lucky to see some great local bands just a few steps from my door.  One of these days I’m hoping to put together a music page at the blog where I can share some of my favorite tracks of "undiscovered" bands.  The last show I went to was the Silversun Pickups a couple weeks ago.. probably one of my  top albums for ’07.  Not exactly "undiscovered" now, but still a favorite of mine.  Here’s a video from a set they did for Spin magazine.

 For more of a local flavor check out some friends of mine called The Maldives.  If you like your rock with a little bit of a country twang be sure to check them out and if you’re going to be in Portland in a couple weeks they are playing! They put on a fantastic live show.  They recently played a live set for the best radio station in the world!

4. the gym – does it count as an obsession if you’ve managed to get in there just 3 times in the past 8 months?
5. trading stocks – i think most people in this business would say the same thing.. it’s like gambling but with much better odds.  The downside? Void of cheap drinks and steak dinners.

Why Do I Blog?

1. helping others navigate and learn the markets – I sure wish investing blogs were around when I was learning this stuff!
2. interacting with other like minded people from all over the world
3. the hoards of cash I rake in from doing it (kidding)
4. hey, it’s not a bad marketing tool for the business I’m building
5. i enjoy it!

I’ll add one more question – An Embarassing (did I spell that right?) Moment

1. misspelling "street" (I said it so fast I said "d" instead of "t" ) at the district spelling be in front of several hundred people in 6th grade

Earnings Conference Call Listing

I’ve mentioned the great earnings conference call transcripts from Seeking Alpha before, but wanted to remind readers again that you can get earnings conference call listings every day.  In an email to me from David Jackson (founder of Seeking Alpha) over a year ago he had this to say:

 "One of my ambitions for a long time has been to “democratize “the conference call transcript market. So I started publishing conference call transcripts on Seeking Alpha last quarter. This quarter, I’m massively stepping up the project. I’ve hired a company to transcribe companies’ calls so that I can get them up within 6 hours of the end of the call, and I’m planning to publish the transcripts of about 400 leading companies over the next few weeks. The accuracy is outstanding."

He’s also allowing bloggers to quote large portions of the transcripts entirely free.  ".. you can now quote from transcripts on your blog when writing about stocks and companies. CCBN doesn’t allow reproduction without their permission, and if you do quote you can’t point your readers to the full transcript because it’s not on the Web. I’m allowing 400 word quotes immediately, and if you want to quote more you can email me to ask. The only condition is that when you quote from a transcript you cite Seeking Alpha as the source and link to http://seekingalpha.com/ "

Since this project was begun, many more earnings conference call transcripts have been added with more on the way if the demand is there I’m sure.  Go get the best free listing of earnings conference call transcripts (you can even be notified of new transcripts through your rss reader with the RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/seekingalphatranscripts )

David is doing a great job and providing an extremely valuable service that you would ordinarily have to pay for, but one thing I’d like to see is more transcripts from smaller, high growth companies.  For example, Green Mountain Coffee (GMCR) and Central European Distribution (CEDC) both broke out to new all time highs today on great earnings but don’t see transcripts for those companies.  Perhaps with more demand, more small to mid cap stocks will be featured.  To make it easier for my reader to keep an eye on which transcripts are available I think I’ll add them to my sidebar.  Look for that soon.

Central Distribution (CEDC) & Green Mountain Coffee (GMCR) Breakout Big

Today’s Earnings Movers: 


• Central European Distribution (CEDC) Beverages – Wineries & Distill, fundamental rank [23/30],  up 11%, big breakout from a long base to new all time high

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) Processed & Packaged Goods, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 8%, that’s a big breakout of a base to new all time highs

• Dolby Laboratories (DLB) Diversified Electronics, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 7%, adding to yesterday’s surge off 50 day moving average

• Quanta Services (PWR) General Contractors, fundamental rank [23/30],  up 6%, adding to a long 4 year uptrend

• GFI Group (GFIG) Investment Brokerage, fundamental rank [27/30],  up 4%, keeps pushing to new all time highs


• Nighthawk Radiology Holdings (NHWK) Specialty Health Services, fundamental rank [25/30],  down 7%, still working on carving out the bottom of a new base

• Radiation Therapy Services (RTSX) Medical Practitioners, fundamental rank [27/30],  down 7%, continuing to carve out a long 1.5 year base

• ValueClick (VCLK) Advertising Agencies, fundamental rank [25/30],  down 7%, taking out support of 50 day moving average after lengthy run

Las Vegas Sands (LVS) Resorts & Casinos, fundamental rank [27/30],  down 5%, holding at the 200 day moving average for now as it attempts to carve out a new base

• HealthSpring (HS) Health Care Plans, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 5%, taking out support of 50 day moving average and returning to area of pivot point of previous breakout

• Airgas (ARG) Industrial Equipment Wholesale, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 5%, recent breakout holding up above support of 50 day moving average after a test there earlier

• KSW Inc (KSW) General Contractors, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 5%, yesterday’s breakout holding up well- today’s selling may offer buying opp

• Ibasis (IBAS) Internet Software & Services, fundamental rank [21/30],  down 4%, big reversal off today’s lows where it found support of the 200 day moving average

Realtime LED Dynamic Stock Ticker In Your Home!

realtime led dynamic stock ticker floorWhile surfing around last night I came across a company called Trans-Lux that pioneered dynamic stock ticker technology with the first ticker tape projection system installed at the New York Stock Exchange in 1923.  Today, they have extended their reach and provide display solutions in a number of different industries, but still offer an array of realtime led dynamic stock ticker displays for trading rooms, brokerages and banks.  After seeing some of the images, particularly the one at the left where the ticker tape meanders through the hallway into the next room (I think this is a shot of Morgan Stanley) I got to wondering if anyone has done something like this in their home!  I think if I have a large pile of cash lying around that I have no idea what to do with, then the hallway stock ticker is going to be at the top of the list.  If anyone reading this post has or know someone who has a realtime LED display in their home send me some pictures and I’ll post them.

Bulls Still In Charge; Focus on Vocus (VOCS)

Well, the bulls just continue to trample all over any attempt to sell off this market.  That was the case yesterday, when it appeared that the market would confirm that distribution day on Monday and end in the red for a second straight day.  However, buyers stepped in at the end, keeping the steep upward trends of the indices intact.  While today’s move didn’t have the volume behind it that yesterday’s did, the S&P did notch a new multi year high and the Dow continues to reach new record highs.  At this point, the S&P will have a very good chance of testing its all time high as well.  This does not mean it’s time to get aggressive on the long side.  Both the Dow and the S&P are sitting right at resistance of a 1.5 year trend line.  Where the market closes at the end of the trading day on Friday may go a long way in determining where this market is headed over the next few months.  Stay tuned!

::: Major Indices Performance – The Numbers :::

(Note: volume averages are based on the average over the past 50 days)
Data as of 4:00EST – End of Day May 2nd 2007

Nasdaq: UP 1.04% today with volume 1% ABOVE  average
Nasdaq ETF (QQQQ) UP 1.1%, volume 23% BELOW average
Dow: UP 1.05%, volume 1% ABOVE the average
Dow ETF (DIA): UP .65%, volume 10% BELOW the average
S&P ETF (SPY): UP .59%, volume 23% BELOW the average
Russell Small Cap ETF (IWM): UP  1.24%, volume 22% BELOW the average

::: SelflInvestors Leading Stocks :::

The Self Investors Leading Stocks Index is comprised of stocks in the Breakout Tracker, which is a database of the fastest growing companies near a breakout or having already broken out of a base.  Leading stocks, surprisingly, did very well today; rising higher than all of the major indices with a decent amount of volume behind it. 


* Advancers led Decliners 334 to 72
* Advancers were up an average of 2.24% today, with volume 16% ABOVE average
* Decliners were down an average of 1.57% with volume 45% ABOVE average
* The total SI Leading Stocks Index was UP  1.56% today with volume 21% ABOVE the average

::: Where’s the Money Flowing :::

Many investing websites provide leading industries based on price performance alone. However, without accompanying volume levels, this can sometimes be misleading.  The only way that I know of to gauge industry/sector strength WITH volume levels is through the analysis of ETF’s.  A couple years ago this was not possible, but as more traders/investors use ETF’s they become a much better tool for gauging the health of the market and seeing where the money is flowing (or not flowing).  Using the proprietary SelfInvestors Demand Indicator score which measures price and volume movements, I’m able to quickly see which sectors/industries are seeing the greatest inflows of cash.  For a detailed look at how I go about gauging sector/industry strength please see the following post: http://selfinvestors.com/si/industry_tracking/

* Current Leading Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Semiconductors, Networking, Biotech, Homebuilders (what a shock – close to bottom?), Financial
* Current Lagging Sectors/Industries (over last 30 trading days): 
Internet Infrastructure, Agriculture

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (UP):
Gold Miners, Real Estate, Broadband, Oil & Gas Services, Consumer Discretionary, Retail

* Today’s Market Moving Industries/Sectors (DOWN):
US Oil, Commodities, Agriculture

::: Stocks :::

The stocks section will be an area where I highlight one stock selected from a group of stocks moving up with volume well above average and most likely breaking out of a base or consolidation.  Today’s stock Vocus Inc (VOCS).

ABOUT (from MSN):  Vocus, Inc. is a provider of on-demand software for public relations management. Its on-demand software addresses the functions of public relations, including media relations, news distribution and news monitoring. The Company delivers its solutions over the Internet using a secure, scalable application and system architecture. During the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company derived principally all of its revenues from subscription agreements and related services. The Company sells access to its on-demand software primarily through its direct sales channel, and to a lesser extent through third-party distributors. As of December 31, 2006, it had 1,727 active customers of all sizes across a variety of industries, including financial and insurance, technology, healthcare and pharmaceutical and retail and consumer products, as well as government agencies, not-for-profit organizations and educational institutions. On August 4, 2006, the Company acquired PRWeb International, Inc.

FUNDAMENTALS: Vocus (VOCS) is a small company that turned a profit for the first time last year and has just begun to emerge.  Earnings have nearly quadrupled over the past year, rising from .03/share to .11/share in the latest quarter.  Sales growth hasn’t been as eye popping, but has been very consistent at around 50% quarter over quarter.  The company has raised ’07 estimates for both sales and earnings growth.   Management owns a significant portion of the company and more institutions are beginning to initiate positions.  All characteristics of a winner.  If there is a negative, it’s the poor margins and ROE.  However, they are improving.

TECHNICAL:  Typically, I try and feature stocks in this section that have just broken out or are hovering in a buyable range.  Currently, neither is the case with VOCS.  The company reported earnings this morning and the stock gapped up with heavy volume to a new all time high and well above the 50 day moving average.  Since breaking out of its first base since going public last year, VOCS has trended along the 50 day moving average with above average volatility but with volume levels that indicate tremendous demand.  That continues to be the case, but I would wait to catch it off the 50 day moving average or breaking out of a new base.  A pull back in this market just may provide you with that opportunity.  Put this one near the top of the watch list.

SELFINVESTORS RATING: With a total score of 50/60 (25/30 for fundamentals, 25/30 for technical), Vocus (VOCS) is a high quality growth stock.

Full Disclosure/Disclaimer: The stock of the day is by no means a buy recommendation.  Please do your own research and make a personal decision based on your own tolerance for risk.  I currently own a small position in Vocus (VOCS).

Chipotle (CMG), Jones Lang (JLL) & General Cable (BGC) All Soar to New Heights

Today’s Earnings Movers: 


• Interactive Intelligence (ININ) Business Software & Services, fundamental rank [26/30],  up 21%, working on the right side of a base

Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) Restaurants, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 16%, adding to february’s break out; at all time highs

• CB Richard Ellis (CBG) Property Management, fundamental rank [27/30],  up 13%, carving out right side of base

• Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) Property Management, fundamental rank [24/30],  up 13%, big break to new all time high

• General Cable Corp (BGC) Industrial Electrical Equipment, fundamental rank [26/30],  up 13%, has been trending along the 50 day moving average; another new all time high today

• Vocus (VOCS) Internet Software & Services, fundamental rank [25/30],  up 6%, trending along the 50 day moving average; volatile but very bullish


• DivX (DIVX) Application Software, fundamental rank [27/30],  down 14%, took out key support.. not going anywhere anytime soon

• Harris Corporation (HRS) Communication Equipment, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 9%, took out support of 50 day moving average but bounced off 200 dma

• Houston Wire & Cable (HWCC) Electronics Wholesale, fundamental rank [27/30],  down 9%, testing support of 50 day moving average

Ness Technologies (NSTC) Information Technology Service, fundamental rank [26/30],  down 8%, beginnin of move up right side of base failed

• Watts Water Technologies (WTS) Industrial Equipment & Components, fundamental rank [24/30],  down 6%, in process of carving out new base and headed for 200 day moving average

• Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTSH) Business Software & Services, fundamental rank [28/30],  down 4%, in process of carving out new base and headed for 200 day moving average

Big Demand for Interactive Brokers (IBKR) IPO

If the percentage of my traffic that comes from Google searches involving Interactive Brokers is any indication, Investors are clearly clamoring for shares of the Interactive Brokers (IBKR) IPO ahead of public trading this Friday.  Also, just today, underwriters have increased the size of the offering from 20 million shares to 34.5 million while increasing the expected pricing range from $23 – 27 to $27 – 31.  The company is giving Wall St the could shoulder and going Dutch just as Google (GOOG) did a couple years ago with the open auction using the services of WR Hambrecht (OpenIPO).  It levels the playing field between institutional and retail investors giving everyone a chance at a piece of the IPO pie.  From the WR Hambrecht website:

"The OpenIPO® auction, for example, levels the playing field in initial public offerings, allowing individuals and institutional investors to bid online for shares of an IPO. All investors end up paying the same price – a price determined by the auction. The OpenBook® auction for corporate bonds, is an online system that offers transparent, real-time price discovery. OpenFollowOn® auction extends the transparency and real-time price discovery of the OpenBook auction to follow-on equity offerings allowing interactive bidding and gives investors a view into the book as it builds.

I’ll be sitting this one out, but if you’re interested in bidding, Interactive Broker (IBKR) customers can do it easily from their account page or you can go through other participants.  Trader Narrative recently wrote up a nice summary about how the process works.

In my opinion, these shares are going to get priced way above a reasonable valuation due to it’s popularity.  That doesn’t mean it can’t spike significantly higher still after hitting the open the market, but I just prefer to wait a few days for the dust to settle.  At any rate, it will be an interesting to watch to for the rest of the year.  For an interesting post on coming up with a valuation for Interactive Brokers (IBKR) have a look at Frank’s post over at Technicator.net

ETF, IPO & Breakout Stocks Analysis, Tracking & Research